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Debbie Rosen

Job title:

CONSTRAIN Science and Policy Manager.

Area of work:

Near-term climate change, which is central to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 temperature limit (a cornerstone of the negotiations). Also regional impacts of climate change and how they intensify with every fraction of a degree of warming.

What will you be doing at COP28?

IPCC event, and possible press conference around the Indicators of Global Climate Change paper and tool.

What are the big issues that COP28 needs to address? What are your hopes for the negotiations?

Understanding and taking action on the outcomes of the first Global Stocktake will be a major part of the summit – my hope is that they can navigate the huge amount of information and evidence gathered, understand the urgency and agree on a way forward, taking note of the impacts that are already being felt by the most vulnerable regions, nations and communities.

What’s your message for world leaders at COP28?

Show leadership, and realise that we’re still at 1.2 degrees of warming and it is going to be a lot worse (and more expensive) even if we do limit warming to 1.5 degrees.

Do you have any tips about climate action that you can share?

Think of something you enjoy, whether it’s art or nature-related or anything else, and find a way to link it to climate change.