COP26 event recordings
University of Leeds staff and students were involved in over 45 events at COP26. You can catch up with some of them here.
Net-zero pathways - Moving from aspirations to action
Professor Piers Forster joined a panel to address the questions: How do you move from global- to local-level net-zero targets, and what are the challenges and opportunities that this process comes along with?
Building resilience in a low carbon world
Dr Kate Lonsdale provided critical reflections on the Strategic Priorities Fund UK Climate Resilience Programme and offer useful lessons for applied climate resilience research for researchers, funders and users of research in policy and practice in the global south and north.
Exploring the potential for arts tackle diversity in climate resilience
Dr Lata Narayanaswamy chaired this session that explored the potential for arts, culture and heritage research and practice to include and address gender and diversity in the climate resilience conversation.
How can climate informed ‘stress testing’ support resilience?
Professor Jason Lowe shared lessons from the latest science-informed climate stress tests across several countries and showcase how next generation science can inform finance to align with Paris goals.
Youth Are Leading: The Ripple Effect
Dr Harriet Thew introduced the premiere of The Ripple Effect, a film made by young people from the UK and South Africa on the ways – sometimes less obvious – in which climate change impacts are affecting them where they live, right now.
People make transport: communities enabling greener travel
Professor Greg Marsden offered insights into how local initiatives can engage and empower people to achieve climate-safe, healthy and inclusive transport systems and behaviours.
Democratising climate science
Dr Chris Smith and Professor Piers Forster showcase the use of climate model emulators: reduced complexity climate models. They provide examples regarding cumulative CO2 emissions, net-zero and relate COP26 ambition to Paris temperature targets.
Guiding the path to net-zero through science
Professor Jason Lowe explored best-practice in the use of science to support ambitious climate action, covering engineering, social and political science. A set of case studies helped advance understanding of how science can support the net-zero transition.
Harnessing climate science for adaptation
Professor Suraje Dessai and other speakers explored the opportunities for climate science to shape resilience building and adaptation policy and practice and vice versa.
Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Resilience
Organised by PRAXIS, this event will drew on real world examples to explore the growing impact that climate change has on Indigenous communities and their livelihood, and the often overlooked role of Indigenous knowledge and practices as a resource for addressing climate change.
Developing climate resilient food systems pathways
Dr Stephen Whitfield spoke at this event that showcased innovative approaches to strengthen the African food system's resilience.
COP26 – Can bioenergy make a difference?
Professor Jon Lovett and other experts discussed how bioenergy can help achieve the aspirations of COP26 and the sustainable development goal of universal access to modern clean energy.
West Antarctica: Getz on the Run
Heather Selley and Bryony Freer highlight the importance of measuring changes in Antarctica at high resolution and the amazing amount of information satellite data can provide.
Tools for Community Action
Dr Malcolm Morgan introduces the Place-Based Carbon Calculator, alongside other user-friendly online tools for decarbonising places.
1.5°C: where are we now, where are we headed, what are the risks?
Professor Piers Forster and Professor Jason Lowe join a panel to present the 2021 rebound in carbon emissions from the Global Carbon Project and consider: What does this mean for 1.5°C ambition? What are the impacts and risks of continued warming? How can we build greater resilience to those risks?
Real Zero in a hurry: key messages on transport decarbonisation
Professor Greg Marsden shared key messages and lessons learned from DecarboN8.
The Critical Role of Arts, Culture and Heritage in Food Resilience
Organised by PRAXIS, this event presented real world examples from across the globe to explore ways that Arts, Culture and Heritage can address issues of food and agricultural sustainability and resilience while also considering the needs of marginalised groups and transforming social inequalities.
What COP26 means for UK sheep farming
Professor Piers Forster joined a panel to answer questions such as: what more can reasonably be done to recognise sheep farming as part of the solution to climate change?