COP26 Universities Network
The University of Leeds is a founding member of the COP26 Universities Network, a group of UK-based universities working together to help deliver an ambitious outcome at the UN Climate Summit in Glasgow and beyond. It aims to improve access to evidence and academic expertise for the UK Government, NGOs and the international community. Read more about the network here.
The network is publishing a series of briefings and working papers pertinent to themes of the negotiations:
- A net-zero emissions economic recovery from COVID-19
- Just Transition: Pathways to socially inclusive decarbonsation
- How can carbon offsetting help UK further and higher education institutions achieve net-zero emissions?
- Destination Net-Zero: Setting and delivering ambitious, credible targets
- Nature-based solutions for climate change, people and biodiversity
- Space-based earth observations for climate security
- Why the ocean matters in climate negotiations
- Net-zero solutions and research priorities in the 2020s
- Triple Wins in Adaptation, Mitigation and Development
- Mainstreaming Climate Change Education in UK Higher Education Institutions
- Co-benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation actions
- The UK post-2050: looking beyond the net zero horizon to inform decarbonisation