Richard Beardsworth
Richard Beardsworth
Job title:
Professor of International Politics and Head of the School of Politics and International Studies
Area of work and why it’s important:
Transformational leadership in the politics of climate change. National policies of mitigation and adaptation must be underpinned by evidence-based normative vision and narrative in order that effective, comprehensive change takes place both through government and across society. I am interested in working with others to rehearse a political vision and narrative that will increasingly structure the terms of transformational leadership from COP26 forwards.
What will you be doing at COP26?
This will be my first COP. As co-lead of the University of Leeds COP26 taskforce I will attend with the delegation and meet with key stakeholders.
What are your hopes for the COP26 negotiations?
- Chinese leadership comes to the negotiations.
- The US assumes a large role under the UK and Italian presidency.
- More than 110 nations ratchet up their ambitions so that a dynamic towards average temperature increase of 1.5C remains a possible horizon for both national and international politics.
- Clear pathways are set forward to implement pledges.
- Delivery of a financial plan of solidarity among developed and developing countries.
Any tips for readers about climate action?
Read Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac, The Future We Choose (Manilla Press, 2021)