Streaming: Getting the social in flood policy
- Date
- Monday 7 November 2016, 18.30-20.30
- Venue
- Conference Auditorim 2, University of Leeds
- Event type
- ESRC Festival of Social Science Special Event (public)
Flood risk management is again high on the national political agenda with the July release of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 and the September release of the National Flood Resilience Review. Bringing these risks closer to home, affected communities in Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria are still recovering from the devastating 2015/16 winter floods. Many in these communities are interested in being better prepared and protected in the future.
Streaming is a public event that will bring together civic, business, environmental and policy interests for an evening to learn about flood risk, to hear about social science flood risk management research and to listen to stories from the flood affected. The event has been planned around participatory activities that will create a two-way exchange with the audience. Researchers from the University of Leeds will facilitate “live” learning through instant polling.
Streaming will also provide an opportunity for our expert panel to contribute their reflections on the winter 2015/16 flooding and their perspective on how we can be more resilient to and better prepared for future floods. Following short presentations the discussion will be guided by questions posed to the panel by our audience.
Dr Rosalind Bark, European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Fellow & Associate of the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP)
Jonathan Moxon, Flood Risk Manager, Leeds City Council (formerly at the Environment Agency)
Stephen Curry, Chair, Upper Calder Valley Renaissance (UCVR) Business Flood Recovery Team
Professor Jouni Paavola (Chair), Director of the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy
Councillor Lucinda Yeadon, Deputy Leader of Leeds City Council and Executive Member for Environment and Sustainability
Dr Martin Dallimer, Lecturer in Environmental Change at the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI), School of Earth and Environment (SEE), University of Leeds
Dr Thijs Dekker, Lecturer in Transport Economics at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds
Dr Julia Martin-Ortega, Associate Professor in Ecological Economics at the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI), University of Leeds
Dr Paola Sakai, Economist and Associate of the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), University of Leeds
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