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Introducing renewable fuels in public bus transport: challenges and opportunities

Tuesday 31 October 2017, 14.30 - 15.30
Institute for Transport Studies, 1.11
Malin Aldenius, Lund University
ITS research seminar series


I will present results from the studies conducted during my PhD so far, with focus on experiences from Swedish public transport regions. In Sweden, public transport was partly deregulated in 2012, which has led to that public transport mainly is organised on the basis of a comprehensive competitive tendering regime. However, some regions organise their buses in-house.

I will address questions concerning the strategic motivations for using public procurement to stimulate renewable fuels, and what the practical challenges have been in relation to: strategies, costs, size and knowledge. I will also discuss how different ways to set requirements and organise public transport has influenced type and share of renewable fuels in regions, as well as which challenges and opportunities they have experienced. The findings come from qualitative comparative case studies, based on interviews and document studies.


Doctoral student at Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University, since 2015.

Publications: Aldenius, M., Khan, J. (2017). Strategic use of green public procurement in the bus sector: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164, 250-257.

On-going studies:

- The influence of public transport’s organisation on type and share of renewable fuel.

- Introducing electrified public transport in cities: challenges and opportunities


No booking required. All welcome.

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