Frameworks around climate services: constructions, actors and implications for projects
- Date
- Wednesday 6 March 2019, 16:00 – 17:15
- Venue
- Priestley Building Board Room (11.07)
- Speaker
- Marine Lugen, The Free University of Brussels
SRI external seminar
In recent years, there has been growing attention to climate services. While relatively new, the term is used by many actors, carrying different visions of what it involves, pursues and encompasses.
We identified four evolving frameworks around climate services: as a market, as a technological innovation, as a tool for decision-making and as a climate-related risk management tool. We develop for each framework the visions, main actors and interests that support these interpretations. We point how actors (and which ones) define, interpret and shape the concept of climate services, and discuss possible implications for climate services, policies and projects. Based on an extensive literature review, this research aims to bring some clarity on this growing field and on the concept of climate services itself.
Marine Lugen holds a master’s degree in international relations and a master’s degree in environmental sciences and management. She is currently a PhD student at the Center for Studies on Sustainable Development (Free University of Brussels), under a F.R.S-FNRS aspirant mandate. Her thesis is about the role, use and effects of climate services for climate change adaptation in developing countries, with a case study from Burkina Faso. In parallel, she follows international climate negotiation processes and integration of environment in cooperation policies.