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Volunteer as a Climate Ambassador

Education settings across Yorkshire and Humber are eager for your help in delivering better climate education, mitigating their climate impact, improving their biodiversity, and adapting to the extremes of weather associated with the changing climate.  

By helping make climate and sustainability education more widely available to all learners, you will make a genuine difference to your community and contribute your knowledge and skills towards tacking real world sustainability and climate challenges.

Who can be a Climate Ambassador?

We’re looking to recruit Climate Ambassadors from a range of backgrounds across the public, private and charity sectors who can volunteer a minimum of one day per academic year spread over a range of activities to support education settings with climate action planning.

Whether you already work in the sustainability and climate sector or are looking to develop your skills and knowledge then you can get involved. We welcome everyone from students to sustainability professionals to parents and teachers to volunteer.  

What is the role of a Climate Ambassador?

Climate Ambassadors provide support for education settings to develop and deliver impactful Climate Action Plans, wherever they are on their sustainability journey.  

The role of a Climate Ambassador is flexible and can be tailored to suit both the setting’s requirements and your skillset. You don’t need to be an expert, anyone who is passionate and motivated to offer support around sustainability and climate education can be a Climate Ambassador.  

You may work with school leaders and staff to develop climate action plans or you may work with staff and students in the implementation of the plans. You might support a single school or multiple settings - and this could be in person or online. You can focus your time working on things that align with your passion and experience - and we will provide you with the training and development to help you make the most of your skills. 

What support is available for Climate Ambassadors?

Climate Ambassadors bring to the programme a set of diverse backgrounds and existing knowledge. As such, we understand that you will have strengths in particular areas but may want to improve your skills in others. Therefore, we offer a free training programme that you can access to help contribute to your own professional development. 

As a Climate Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to develop sustainability, systems change and climate leadership skills - for yourself and those you work with inspiring future generations with positive solutions to environmental challenges.  

There is a wide range of flexible support to help you in your role including:  

  • Core Climate Ambassador training on the role of the Climate Ambassador and how they can support schools develop and implement their climate action plans in line with the DfE Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy. 
  • Climate Ambassador Resources including CAP guidance, suggested action lists and signposting resources. 

Whether this is the first time you have worked with an education setting or you already work within the education sector, support and guidance on understanding the setting's context and needs will be given as part of your Climate Ambassador training.

What is a Climate Action Plan?

A Climate Action Plan (CAP) mobilises, empowers and supports an education setting community to act on climate change.  

CAPs should be structured and strategic covering four themes as set out by the Department for Education’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy: 

  • Decarbonisation: Aim to reduce emissions and support the transition to net zero. 
  • Adaptation & Resilience: Aim to adapt your systems and buildings to prepare for the effects of climate change. 
  • Nature and Biodiversity: Aim to enhance biodiversity, improve air quality and increase access and connection to nature. 
  • Climate Education and Green Skills: Embed sustainability across the curriculum to prepare young people and build skills for their future. 

A CAP will look different for each setting and doesn’t have to follow a prescribed template There are a range of tools that can help shape, develop and implement action.