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Request support from a Climate Ambassador

The Climate Ambassador programme offers support to all education settings including early years, primary and secondary schools, further education and specialist provision settings.

Whether you’re just getting started on your sustainability journey, or already developing a Climate Action Plan, education settings across Yorkshire and Humber can now register for tailored support from a network of trained Climate Ambassador volunteers committed to supporting the education sector to become more resilient to climate change.

This is a fantastic opportunity for your setting to reduce its environmental impact, adapt to the weather extremes associated with the changing climate, improve biodiversity, and deliver high quality climate education.

Who are Climate Ambassadors?

Climate Ambassadors are volunteers from a range of backgrounds across the public, private and charity sectors who can support education settings with climate action planning.

Each volunteer completes a DBS check, a safeguarding induction and core Climate Ambassador training alongside opportunities to further develop their sustainability, systems change and climate leadership skills.

The role of a Climate Ambassador is flexible and can be tailored to suit both the setting’s requirements and their skillset.


What are the benefits for your setting?

Climate Ambassadors are here to support your setting with climate action which is relevant to your community and creates a tangible impact.

By taking part in the programme, each education setting will:

  • Develop (or progress) a feasible, relevant and impactful Climate Action Plan.
  • Take a whole setting approach to build a community of empowered educators and learners willing to take climate action.
  • Identify risks posed to your setting by the climate and biodiversity crises and how to prepare for them.
  • Understand where to access support and existing opportunities both locally and more broadly.
  • Gain confidence in communicating the importance, impact and co-benefits of climate action.
  • Empower your community to celebrate your achievements and use progress to build momentum around further climate action.
  • Feel inspired by connecting with other settings, local organisations and the Climate Ambassador network.

We ask that Climate Ambassadors volunteer a minimum of one day with your setting (spread over at least three activities throughout the academic year) with the hope that you will develop a long-term and meaningful connection.

What does Sustainability Leadership mean for your setting?

Reflecting the Department for Education’s Sustainability and Climate Change strategy, your setting is expected to designate Sustainability Lead (or team) who will take ownership of your organisational approach to climate action.

It is up to each education setting to decide the structure of your sustainability leadership team. Best practice shows that change is delivered when driven by a diverse team of passionate individuals and so we recommend that the whole education setting is engaged. It’s also important to bring both educational (e.g. teaching staff) and operational (e.g. estates management) expertise into the planning process.

The Sustainability Lead (or team) will engage with the Climate Ambassador network to link up with a volunteer before working collaboratively to develop achievable actions across the four CAP areas that align with your settings’ requirements.

What is a Climate Action Plan?

A Climate Action Plan (CAP) mobilises, empowers and supports an education setting community to act on climate change.

CAPs should be structured and strategic covering four themes as set out by the Department for Education’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy:

  • Decarbonisation: Aim to reduce emissions and support the transition to net zero.
  • Adaptation & Resilience: Aim to adapt your systems and buildings to prepare for the effects of climate change.
  • Nature and Biodiversity: Aim to enhance biodiversity, improve air quality and increase access and connection to nature.
  • Climate Education and Green Skills: Embed sustainability across the curriculum to prepare young people and build skills for their future.

A CAP will look different for each setting and doesn’t have to follow a prescribed template There are a range of tools that can help shape, develop and implement action.