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Recruitment of members for the Climate Plan Research Partnership Committee

In 2019 the University of Leeds agreed seven principles to address the climate crisis. In November 2021, the Climate Plan was approved by the University’s governing body, setting out how we will deliver on these principles and representing the single biggest investment the University has ever made: £174 million over the course of the programme.

In announcing the Climate Plan, the University committed to an annual review led by the Priestley Centre for Climate Futures and drawing on the expertise of the University community. This process helps to ensure that the Climate Plan delivery stays true to its original aims, remains ambitious and takes advantage of the developments in social and technical solutions.

Climate Plan Research Partnership Committee

The Climate Plan Research Partnership Committee was established in 2022 to provide ad hoc expert advice to support the delivery programme, lead the process for annual review and help to strengthen engagement with the broad University of Leeds community. It is coordinated by the Priestley Centre for Climate Futures and led by Professor Piers Forster, Director of the Priestley Centre. The Committee brings together diverse voices and expertise to support the Climate Plan and has delivered two reviews of the Climate Plan, the first in 2023 and the second in 2024.

We are now seeking new applications from University of Leeds staff to join this Committee with expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • Behaviour change
  • Governance
  • Adaptation and resilience 

Committee members will also be asked to consider the following cross-cutting areas in their work: education and teaching; communications and engagement; partnership and stakeholder relationships; re-orientation of research and teaching; and using our campus as a living laboratory.

The role of the members of the Committee is to:

  • Use their subject area expertise to support feedback on ad hoc requests from the Climate Plan programme delivery team and lead the annual review of the Climate Plan.
  • Seek the views of colleagues outside the committee to provide expertise that will support feedback and review.
  • Help to identify opportunities to collaborate with other organisations.
  • Help to identify opportunities for research and education as part of Climate Plan delivery (this includes, but isn’t limited to, Living Lab opportunities).

For members of the committee this is an opportunity to influence the direction of the University in delivering on its climate commitments; to learn about the practicalities of delivering on net zero targets in a complex organisation; and to gain experience in leadership of a consultative review process.

The Committee will meet annually to undertake the Climate Plan review. This meeting will take place in person (on campus) on 1 – 3 April 2025. Ad hoc requests for feedback will be dealt with electronically or through virtual meetings of committee members with expertise relevant to the request where necessary. The anticipated time commitment from committee members is 10 working days per annum and permission must be sought from the relevant Head of School or line manager.

The Committee will be in place for the duration of the Climate Plan delivery programme – up to 2030. Our preference is for each member to commit to two review cycles but we appreciate that this may not always be possible, and we value a diverse group over longevity.

Applications for committee members

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Climate Plan Research Partnership Committee please complete this short application by 5pm on 4 December. We plan to share the outcome by 13 December.

The timeline for the next annual review process is as follows:  

  • Climate Plan initial reporting – end Jan 2025
  • Review of the report by Climate Plan Research Partnership Committee and opportunity to ask questions – Feb/Mar 2025
  • Annual review meeting – 1 – 3 April 2025
  • Report prepared by Climate Plan Research Partnership Committee – complete by end April 2025

If you have any questions please contact