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Expert members

NameSchoolJob titleAreas of expertise
Sangeetha Piriya RamasamyChemical and Process EngineeringResearch FellowSolid waste management, circular economy, climate change, resource recovery, biomass conversion, char based materials, silica materials, biochar and activated carbon, and wastewater treatment
Ali Abdulkarim AlazzawiChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherSustainable fuel
Mohammad Fikry AbdullahBusinessPhD researcherBig Data Analytics (BDA); Hydroinformatics; UN Sustainable Development Goals; Data, Information & Knowledge Management; Decision Making
Antonio AbellanEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Engineering Geology & GeohazardsInvestigating glacier front evolution; Glacier monitoring (time-lapse cameras, UAV, LiDAR); Impact of climate change on natural hazards & risk
Beverley AdamsPerformance and Cultural IndustriesPhD researcherSustainable puppetry practices: Investigating the Communicative Efficacy of a Giant Climate Change Themed Puppet in Public Space
Salma AlarefiElectronic and Electrical EngineeringTeaching FellowDecarbonisation of cities; renewable assisted EV charging stations; sustainable electronics engineering; sustainable electrical engineering
Manhal AliBusinessLecturer in HR AnalyticsFirm resilience to climate change, adoption of sustainable solutions
Pepa Ambrosio-AlbalaEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowAdaptation to climate change; perception of climate change risk; change towards sustainability, pro-environmental behaviours and resilience; indigenous peoples and climate change adaptation
Jillian AnableInstitute for Transport StudiesChair in Transport and EnergyTransport and mobility, uptake of low carbon vehicle technology, mobility demand and long term trends, theories of practice and behaviour
Gordon AndrewsChemical and Process EngineeringProfessor of Combustion EngineeringBiofuels, biomass and biocoal
Susan Ann SamuelPolitics and International StudiesPhD researcherInternational female leadership driving international normative change in response to the climate crisis
George Appiah-KubiCivil EngineeringPhD researcherClimatic uncertainty on green infrastructure
Stanislaus Risadi ApresianPolitics and International Studies PhD researcherPolitical economy of climate change adaptation
Emmanuel AramendiaEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEnergy-economy modelling; Energy transition; Energy conservation; Energy rebound; Non-renewable natural resources depletion
Nir ArielliHistoryAssociate Professor of International HistoryThe human history of the Dead Sea, including the impact of historic shifts in climate on the prosperity of the region
Steve ArnoldEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Atmospheric CompositionProcessing and transport of trace gases and aerosols in the atmosphere; Earth's biosphere & climate system
Ingrid Edith Arotoma RojasLeeds Institute of Health Sciences (LIHS) / Food Science and Nutrition / Earth and Environment Priestley PhD researcher
Ashar AslamEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherTropical meteorology, atmospheric physics, extreme rainfall, deep convection, climate modelling
Alisha AultEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherJust transition, energy transition, adaptation and mitigation, critical minerals
Peyman BabakhaniEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowClimate change mitigation; Geoengineering
Akintunde BabatundeCivil EngineeringAssociate ProfessorSystems and processes; engineering and technology; people and places
Ciara BainesBiologyPostdoctoral Research AssistantMarine tropicalisation
Jessica BakerEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowFeedbacks between tropical forests and climate, land-atmosphere interactions, hydrological cycles, climate model evaluation
Mustafa BakrElectronic and Electrical EngineeringVisiting ResearcherRenewable energy: wind turbines; power electronics; smart cities; internet of things
Ursula BaldersonBusinessResearch FellowFuture-of-work; Just Transition; Skill for decarbonisation; working time reductions; degrowth
Marina Baldissera PacchettiEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowHistory and Philosophy of Climate Science; Climate Change Adaptation
Myrna Barjau Perez MilicuaBiologyPhD researcherImpacts of extreme events (warming and drought) and invasive species on biodiversity and function of freshwater ecosystems
Will BarkerGeographyPostdoctoral Fellow in EcologyTropical ecology, nutrient cycling, biotic interactions and carbon sequestration
Anna BarkerLawAssociate ProfessorFuture is public green space
Natasha BarlowEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Environmental ChangeSea-level changes over a range of timescales
Hannah BarnettGeographyPhD researcherGlacier detachment events and surges, remote sensing and GIS, risk and hazard
David BarnsEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in GeosolutionsHeat decarbonisation, policy, regulation, business models
John BarrettEarth and EnvironmentChair in Sustainability ResearchEnergy demand, sustainability, economic growth, carbon accounting
Sumedha BasuEarth and EnvironmentPostdoctoral researcherUrban energy governance, climate change policy and politics
Denise BeckerEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentPalaeoclimate
Fiona BeckettEnglishProfessor of Contemporary PoeticsEcopoetics; 'Plant blindness' in Climate-Change Discourse; Rare Plants
Nadhir Ben RachedMathematicsLecturer in Applied StatisticsRare events simulations
Justine BendelLawLecturer in International Environmental and Climate Change LawForest governance, climate litigation, environmental litigation, biodiversity, carbon sinks
Amy BennettGeographyResearch fellowTropical forests; climate change; El Niño; drought
Monica Bernal LlanosLawResearch Fellowco-production of climate knowledge and politics; climate change adaptation, risk reduction; climate justice; climate finance; sustainable business
Susan Bernal LopezCivil EngineeringProfessor of Structural MaterialsDecarbonisation of cement and concretes; Management and valorisation of wastes; Extending longevity of concrete structures
Lea Berrang FordLeeds Institute of Health Sciences (LIHS) / Earth and Environment
Eeshan BhaduriInstitute for Transport StudiesResearch FellowEnergy and emissions from vehicle automation
Ajay Gajanan BhaveEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Environment and DevelopmentClimate change adaptation; Water resources; Decision making under uncertainty
Sofia BiffiGeographyPostdoctoral Research FellowAgroecology
Samuel BirchChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherDecarbonisation
Hannah BirchChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherImpacts of Biomass use and associated land use change in tea/coffee growing regions, with focus upon climate change implications
Cathryn BirchEarth and EnvironmentProfessor in Meteorology and ClimateRainfall, convection and severe weather; Tropical meteorology; Monsoons and the water cycle; Regional climate modelling; Links between rainfall and flooding
Leon BlackCivil EngineeringProfessor of Infrastructure MaterialsDecarbonisation of Infrastructure, circular economy
Steven BoeingEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowDynamics and thermodynamics of moist convection; Parametrisation of convection; Turbulence; Boundary-layer meteorology
Stephanie BondGeographyImpact Translation FellowFlood management, hydrology, nature-based solutions, knowledge exchange and stakeholder engagement
Muriel Bonjean StantonEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in decision making under uncertaintyClimate adaptation; infrastructure (water, electricity, transport); organisational behaviour and organisational change; decision making under uncertainty
Ruth BookbinderEarth and EnvironmentPostdoctoral Research Fellow
Douglas BookerCivil EngineeringLecturer in Indoor AirAir quality, and energy efficiency
Graham BousteadChemistryResearch FellowProduction of tropospheric species, production of nitrous acid on the surface of aerosols
Alex BowlerFood Science and NutritionResearch Fellow in Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable FoodCarbon footprinting
Carrie BradshawLawLecturerFood waste / waste (law and policy)
Lina Brand CorreaEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowFinding alternative pathways to decouple the benefits we derive from energy use, from the climate impacts of our current energy systems and practices
Douglas BrayChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherCultivation of algae for use in bioremediation and development of carbon neutral biofuels. Developing a waste management structure for LEDCs
Felipe BrescanciniLeeds University Business SchoolPostgraduate Researcher, Teaching Fellow, Founder, Board Member
Christian BretterInstitute for Transport StudiesSenior Research FellowPsychology, policy support
Roel BrienenGeographyProfessorEcosystem functioning;interactions between ecology and environment; impact of climate on tropical forests
Paul BrockwayEarth and EnvironmentUniversity Academic FellowEnergy efficiency; energy-economy decoupling; thermodynamic efficiency limits.
Flora BroczaSchool of Chemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherClean energy: Sustainable materials for pollution reduction and energy storage
Aaron BrownChemical and Process EngineeringEPSRC Doctoral Prize FellowUtilisation of bioenergy through anaerobic digestion
Llinos BrownInstitute for Transport StudiesResearch FellowDecarbonisation of transport system; Energy cultures; Energy behaviour; Transport behaviour; Workplace energy use; Social science research
Lee BrownGeographyProfessor of Aquatic ScienceClimate change impacts on freshwater availability, water quality and ecosystems
Marta Bruno SoaresEarth and EnvironmentMet Office University Academic FellowSocial sciences of climate services; Usability of climate information; Science-policy interface; Vulnerability assessment and adaptation
Abigail BuchanEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherPalaeoclimate, climate modelling
Milena BuchsEarth and EnvironmentProfessor in Sustainable Welfare Transforming economies and wellbeing for carbon reduction; Inequality of household carbon footprints, distributional implications of carbon reduction
Shaun BuckleyComputingPhD researcherDeep learning
Lauren BurtonEarth and EnvironmentPhD ResearcherPalaeoclimate, climate modelling, drivers of climate change
Jonathan BuschEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowLow carbon infrastructure transitions, business models and socio-technical systems modelling
Chiara CalastriInstitute for Transport StudiesLecturer in Rail Economics Aviation, travel behaviour, passenger choices
Yadiame CamaEarth and EvironmentMasters student
Hannah CampbellBiomedical ScienceLecturer in Applied PhysiologyImplementing climate change into the exercise and sport science curriculum; exploring how individuals in these fields can address global challenges at individual, community and policy levels
Michael CardwellLawProfessor of Agricultural LawAgriculture and the environment including Agricultural law, policy, holdings and world trade
J. R. CarpenterEnglishLecturer in Creative Practice in Performance WritingEcopoetry, climate history, old weather, wind
Ken CarslawEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Atmospheric ScienceModelling of atmospheric aerosols and clouds and their effect on atmospheric composition
Imogen CarterGeographyPhD researcherTree ring stable isotopes
Aaron CarvellChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherBioenergy, providing biomass based sustainable solutions to energy needs
Oriana CasasolaLawLecturer in Commercial Corporate and Banking LawFarmers financial distress
Oscar CespedesPhysics and AstronomyProfessor of Condensed Matter PhysicsInternet, computing and electronics
Samit ChakrabartyBiomedical SciencesLecturer in Neuroscience Sustainable healthcare
Andy ChallinorEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Climate Impacts
Sally ChanBusinessLecturer in Marketing and University Sustainability Architect Advertising archival research, communicating climate change and climate anxiety
Pippa ChapmanGeographyChair in BiogeochemistryImpact of CC on soil processes; peatlands and GHG emissions; GHG emissions from agricultural soils; nature based solutions and CC mitigation
Arunangsu ChatterjeeMedicineDean of Digital TransformationLow carbon and socio-economic
Paul ChattertonGeographyProfessorSocial justice, climate emergency, sustainable cities, participatory methods
Yue ChenEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherAerosol-radiation interactions
Han ChenEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEnvironmental economics; environment and development; environmental governance; emission trading system
Zihong ChenEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEmissions trading systems and technological innovation for climate change mitigation
Daniel ChernickChemical & Process EngineeringPhD researcherBioenergy
Martyn ChipperfieldEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Atmospheric ChemistryAtmospheric science
Flora ChitaluChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherBioenergy
Benjamin ChongElectronic and Electrical EngineeringControl using Electronics in Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Systems
Anubhav ChoudharyLeeds University Business SchoolResearch FellowClimate finance analytics
Charisma ChoudhuryInstitute for Transport StudiesChair in Behaviour ModellingModelling individual decisions involving climate change; Using big data for modelling climate change related decisions
Andreas ChrysanthouEarth and EnvironmentVisiting ResearcherAtmospheric Physics, climate modelling, climate dynamics, atmospheric chemistry.
Punyawan ChuchuaiCivil Engineering Postgraduate ResearcherCircular Economy
Philip ChurchmanInstitute for Transport StudiesPhD researcherRoad freight decarbonisation
Iain ClacherLeeds University Business SchoolProfessor of Pensions and FinanceClimate finance; Climate and environmental risk analytics for finance
Connor ClaytonEarth and Environment / PhysicsPriestley PhD researcherCo-benefits of a low carbon economy; air quality and health
Ioana ColfescuEarth and EnvironmentNCAS Senior Research Scientist
Lisa CollinsBiologyChair in Animal ScienceLivestock health and welfare, climate associated health risks and projected risks linked to changes in climate
Daniel ColsonGeographyPhD ResearcherResearching changes in peatland environments using remote sensing methods
David ConnollyCivil EngineeringProfessor of Railway EngineeringThe effect of climate change on the behaviour of transport infrastructure
Gregory CookePhysics and AstronomyPhD researcherResearching early Earth's climate as well as exoplanet atmospheres. Understanding how different types of chemistry can affect equilibrium temperature
Poppy CooneyChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherBiofuels/bioenergy; Algal biotechnology
Jez CoramMedia and CommunicationTeaching Fellow in Digital Media PracticeFilm, documentary, moving image, climate communication and social change; Capitalist Climate futures and the moving image
Claudia CoveneySociology and Social PolicyLecturer, Sociology and Social PolicyDisability inclusion, disability policy, governance, co-production, participatory governance
Edward CraigPriestley Centre for Climate FuturesPriestley Centre for Climate Futures Visitor Biochar, Biogas, Circular Economy, Climate innovation eco-systems
Neil J. W. CrawfordGeographyResearch FellowClimate Justice; Climate Displacement and Migration
Adam CrawfordLawCo-Director of the ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research CentreClimate security
Roger Cremades RodejaEarth and EnvironmentUrban Environmental ChangeCities, droughts, urban transformations, complexity in socio-economic systems
Matthew CreswickChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherBiomaterials, circular economy, plastics pollution, sustainable feedstocks, life cycle assessment
Beverley CroftMedicinePA to Head of Leeds Institute of Medical Research; Postgraduate researcherBusiness ethics and corporate social responsibility; climate change, carbon neutral and emissions
Gumersindo Cue-AguilarBusinessMasters studentEnergy and climate policy, energy planning, electricity and carbon markets, ETS design and energy transition
Jo CutterLeeds University Business SchoolLecturer in Work and Employment RelationsThe future of work and the transition of carbon intensive sectors; Unions and Workers environmental and climate change agents
Fanjun DaiEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentClimate adaptation
Jack DaltonCivil EngineeringPhD researcherClimate resiliency of WASH systems, greenhouse gas generation
Alice DamianoEarth and EnvironmentTeaching FellowEcological economics, decolonising economics, climate justice
Rosie DanksEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherClouds in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer
Charlie DannreutherPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)LecturerWater quality regulation and evaluation, accountability of local authority finance officers, community based critical pedagogy
Stella DarbyGeographyLecturerCommunity climate action
Francesca DarvillEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEcosystem services
Jeremy DaviesEnglishAssociate Professor of EnglishEcological criticism and theory
Mark DavisSociology and Social PolicyProfessor of Economic SociologyCommunity Municipal Investments (CMIs); Alternative Finance for Net Zero transitions; Sustainable Consumption; Prosumerism
Benjamin DavisonEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in Earth Observation of the Polar RegionsCryosphere
Pume DawediPhD StudentClimate adaptation
David DawsonEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor in Sustainable & Resilient Cities Adaptation; resilience; infrastructure; flooding
Juliet de LittleGeographyVisiting FellowClimate change adaptation, flooding, climate justice
Innes DeansChemical and Process Engineering PhD researcherBioenergy
Pierre-Philippe DechantMathematicsCurriculum Redefined LecturerEmbedding sustainability in the curriculum
Alice DeignanEducationProfessor of Applied LinguisticsCommunication of climate science, especially to young people
Prahelika DekaGeographyPhD researcherClimate futures, creative arts-based methods
Leif DenbyEarth and EnvironmentPostdoctoral researcherConvective clouds and their change in a changing climate. Co-I on EUREC4A-UK (
Stephen DenisonEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherResponse of the earth system to net negative emissions; emissions metrics
Monica Di GregorioEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of Environmental Politics and GovernanceEnvironmental politics and development; climate policy, environmental movements and policy networks
Adele DixonBiologyPhD researcherAssessing ecological responses and coral reef vulnerability to climate change
Steven DobbieEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor: Atmospheric PhysicsGeoengineering and crop yields and failures; High impact weather and crop yields and failures
Rachel DobsonEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherImpact of climate change on migratory crop pests in Africa
Emma DochertyGeographyPhD researcherThermal sensitivity of tropical trees
Fanhui DongEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherDisaster and community-based disaster management
Andrew DougillEarth and EnvironmentExecutive Dean of Faculty of Environment
Valerie DupontChemical and Process EngineeringReader in Low Carbon EnergyLimiting the negative impacts of heat and power systems
Gary DymskiBusinessProfessor of Applied EconomicsPublic policy, political economy, money and banking, macroeconomics
Mohamed EdokaliChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherWater treatment and purification
Victor EfrenChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherEnergy, CO2 capture and plastic pollution
Hannah EnsaffFood Science and NutritionLecturer in NutritionSustainable food choice; Nutrition interventions promoting sustainable food choice (specifically based on choice architecture)
William EvansEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherMonitoring the responses of insect communities to climate change using radar technology; Improving climate/meteorological forecasting by isolating and removing insect 'noise' within weather radar data
Barbara EvansCivil Engineering Professor of Public Health Engineering Climate resilient sanitation, greenhouse gas emissions from sanitation, health impacts of climate-related flooding and urban services.
Han FangCivil EngineeringLecturer in Structural EngineeringLow-carbon infrastructures for climate change mitigation and sustainability
David FergusonEarth and EnvironmentAssociate ProfessorGeochemical and geochronological methods to investigate magmatic and volcanic processes
Jason FernsChemical & Process EngineeringPhD researcherBioenergy; emission reduction - improving air quality; using more sustainable transportation fuels
Sheridan FewEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Urban Energy SystemsDecision Making under Deep Uncertainty; Sustainable Transport Systems; Low Carbon Electricity Systems; Energy Access; Solar Power; Energy Storage
Richard FewsterGeography PhD researcherClimate change impact modelling
Declan FinneyEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowConvection-permitting climate modelling; Eastern Africa climate; Lightning, atmospheric chemistry and climate change
Elizabeth FitzpatrickEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherLandscape restoration (carbon and water)
Catriona FlesherLaw, Earth and EnvironmentPhD researcherLoss and damage, climate law, human rights impacts of climate change
Judith FordGeographyResearch FellowReducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming
Polly FosterEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherIce-nucleating particle research, aerosol science, atmospheric science
Markus FraundorferPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)Lecturer in Global GovernanceGlobal Governance; Global Environmental Challenges
Bryony FreerEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherAntarctic ice shelf grounding line migration (linked to changing mass balance of Antarctic ice sheet, driven by climatic forcing)
Ahmed GailaniChemical and Process EngineeringResearch Fellow in Industrial Decarbonisation Capacity Markets, Industrial Decarbonisation, Battery modelling, bottom-up modelling
Marcelo GaldosEarth and EnvironmentVisiting Research FellowThe use of crop, soil and climate modelling to assess mitigation and adaptation strategies, focusing on climate smart agriculture
Joe GallearEarth & EnvironmentPhD researcherClimate impacts on crop production. Crop climate modelling
Alice GarveyEarth and EnvironmentPhD ResearcherSpatially just energy transitions; climate change mitigation towards net zero; regional decarbonisation; industrial decarbonisation policy
Sifan GeLawMasters studentLaw
Kexin GengEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowClimate Change Adaptation
Maximilian GerrathDepartment of MarketingAssociate Professor of MarketingCommunications, marketing (focus on Influencer Marketing)
Mawaddah GhazaliLUBSPostgraduate Researcher Healthcare Organisation resilience-adaptation
Shahla GhobadiLeeds University Business SchoolProfessor in Information ManagementClimate change activism; policy inclusiveness
Verdiana GiannettiLeeds University Business SchoolLecturerCompanies' responses to climate change
Elena GibsonFine Art, History of Art and Cultural StudiesPhD candidateHeritage futures
Usman GilaniLeeds University Business SchoolAssistant Professor in Banking and FinanceSustainable/green banking finance, climate risk banking models
Francesca GilibertoLeeds University Business SchoolResearch FellowCultural heritage and climate change
Emanuel GloorGeographyProfessor, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Graeme GoodayPhilosophy, Religion and History of ScienceProfessor of the History of Science and TechnologyHistory of Energy, especially the history of electrification. Collaboration with Science Museum Group on related public engagement issues
Simon GoodmanBiologyLecturer in Evolutionary BiologyClimate impacts on biodiversity; ice-breeding seals; Caspian Sea environment and ecology; evolutionary adaptation
Hamish GordonEarth and EnvironmentPostdoctoral researcherAerosol-cloud interactions and radiative forcing; Aerosol nucleation and its effect on climate
Caitlin GoughPhysics and AstronomyPhD researcherMartian ionosphere, planet habitability
Andy GouldsonEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Environmental PolicyEnvironmental and climate policy, low carbon development
Alan GraingerGeographySenior Lecturer in Global Change and PolicyTropical forests, deforestation, land use change, biodiversity and carbon stores
Sam GraingerEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowClimate services
Catherine GravesEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherMy project is on "the role of virtual reality to catalyse pro-environmental behaviour change", and links to climate change mitigation measures
Lauren GregoireEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor, UKRI Future Leaders FellowIce-sheet – climate interactions ; past rapid sea level rise and abrupt climate change
Stephen GriffithsMathematicsLecturer in Applied MathematicsAtmosphere-ocean fluid dynamics; Ocean tides, paleotides, and sea level numerical modelling
Michael GrimesGeographyPhD researcherProglacial landscape evolution in Northeast Greenland. Climate change and its impact on glaciers, meltwater and sediment discharge
Anna GuganEarth and EnvironmentNatural Capital Valuation OfficerContribution of trees to climate mitigation.
Talya HackettBiologyLecturer of EcologyCommunity ecology and species interactions
Hisham HafezCivil EngineeringResearch FellowSustainable building materials and design
Tom Haines-DoranInstitute for Transport StudiesResearch FellowTransport decarbonisation, social movements
Abdur Rahim HamidiEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherClimate change; flooding; vulnerability; resilience; adaptation; governance
Margo HansonEarth and EnvironmentResearch Manager: Energy, Climate Change & SustainabilityMargo has managed the administration of the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) at Leeds since its launch in 2008, working closely with CCCEP's Director and Deputy Director at Leeds and colleagues at LSE.
Rachel HarcourtBusiness / Earth and EnvironmentResearch FellowHuman dimensions of climate change impacts and adaptation; communications, media and the public discourse; social decision making and public engagement; behaviour change; applied use of narratives in analysis and communications; futures work; governance and policy; climate change in the arts and humanities.
Connie HarpurGeographyPhD researcherGlaciers and ice sheets; ice-marginal lakes in Greenland; remote sensing
Chris HassallBiologyAssociate Professor of BiologyClimate impacts on freshwater ecosystems, aquatic thermal microclimates, insect phenological and distributional change
Robin HaywardEarth and EnvironmentLEAF Communications and Engagement Officer Science communication and outreach; degradation and restoration of forests
Alan HaywoodEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Palaeoclimate ModellingEarth's environmental/climatic history, model assessment, scenarios for future climate change
Emma HaywoodEarth and EnvironmentSustainability Projects AssistantSustainability
Dwayne HeardChemistryProfessor of Atmospheric ChemistryHydroxyl radical; uptake of gases onto aerosols; kinetics and photochemistry of atmospheric processes
Tim HeatonMathematicsProfessor of Applied StatisticsRadiocarbon Dating; Calibration; Understanding Earth System; Archaeology
Eva HeinenInstitute for Transport StudiesVisiting ProfessorCycling, bicycle use, travel behaviour change, active travel, sustainable transport
Ana HeitorCivil EngineeringLecturer in Geotechnical EngineeringImpact of climate change in geostructures with particular reference to transport infrastructure and heritage assets
Thirze HermansEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowClimate change resilience/adaptation/mitigation. Agriculture/Food Security
Kilian HermesEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherSatellite remote sensing, mineral dust uplift, aeolian mineral dust
Luke HigginsChemical and Process EngineeringEPSRC Doctoral Prize FellowRole of soil organic carbon plays in earth system modelling, and biochar-based potential carbon capture technologies, using XAFS techniques
Daniel HillEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Global Change ModellingPalaeoclimate, climate modelling, cryosphere, ecosystems
Dominique HirszBiology PhD researcherEffect of temperature of wheat floral development
Jennifer HodbodEarth and EnvironmentLecturer of Environment and DevelopmentClimate mitigation and adaptation in food systems
David HodgsonEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Sedimentology and StratigraphySea-level rise / change; Palaeocene / Eocene thermal maximum
Anna HoggEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Earth ObservationEarth observation of the cryosphere, ice sheets, Antarctica, Greenland, ice velocity
Joseph HoldenGeographyChair of Physical Geography, Director of water@leedsProcesses associated with the hydrology and carbon dynamics of peatlands under environmental change
Will HomokyEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of GeochemistryOceanography and the carbon cycle
Katy HonourChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherMainly interested in researching the use of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. Afforestation and reforestation for carbon capture
Miranda HorneComputingPhD researcherPhysics informed machine learning for fluid dynamics problems
Matt HowardEnglishDouglas Caster Fellow in PoetryPoetry
Xinyi HuangEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentIce nucleation
Graham HugganEnglishProfessor
Nicholas HumphriesCivil EngineeringPhD researcherSustainable agriculture; environmental geochemistry; environmental microbiology; water protection; flood risk management; waste management
Ishfaq Hussain MalikGeographyResearch FellowClimate change adaptation, vulnerability and Indigenous communities
Paul HutchingsCivil EngineeringLecturer in Water, Sanitation and HealthMitigation, adaptation and resilience in water and sanitation
Leonie Hyde-SmithCivil EngineeringPhD researcherClimate resilience of urban water and sanitation services; Affordability of "climate proof" urban water and sanitation services; Costs of adaptation
Ejiro Matilda IkokoInstitute for Transport StudiesPhD researcherGender and Smart Transport
Sarah IrwinSociology and Social PolicyProfessor of SociologyPublic perceptions and values relating to climate change; public engagement and policy
Beth Irwin-JonesEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentClimate as a social and political problem as well as physical. Sea level rise, adaptation and mitigation
Ornella IuorioCivil engineeringAssociate Professor of Architecture nd Structures Embodied carbon of construction, design for deconstruction
Diana IvanovaEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowCarbon footprint assessment, decent living standards, consumption
Lawrence JacksonEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in Modelling African Climate DynamicsAtmospheric convection and dynamics in the tropics, precipitation, geoengineering
Tom JacksonMedia and CommunicationLecturer in Digital Media, Director of International ActivitiesMy research is not specifically related to climate change but I am developing projects which explore the potential of studying it using immersive tech
Clare JamesLawPhD researcherRight to food as population increases and agriculture is both effected and also contributes to climate change
Rebecca JarmanLanguages, Cultures and SocietiesAssociate Professor of Latin American StudiesCultural history of responses to urban landslides in the Andes (Caracas, Bogota, Medellin, Cali) from the 1920s onwards
Hazel JefferyEarth and Environment (NCAS)Knowledge IntegrationESM and knowledge integration
Sarah JenkinsLeeds University Business SchoolLecturer in Applied Decision MakingCommunication of risk and uncertainty; weather and climate information
Paul JensenEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Business, Environment and Development Industrial Ecology; Circular Economy; Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Infrastructure; Sustainable Regional Development
Amethyst JohnsonEarth & EnvironmentPhD StudentTropical cyclone intensification, severe convective storms, global distribution of tornado environments, atmospheric electrification
Elliott JohnsonEarth and EnvironmentPostgraduate researcher / Research assistantEnergy economics, degrowth, energy demand reduction
Jill JohnsonEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowUnderstanding uncertainty in complex cloud and aerosol models, and how uncertainty feeds through to climate-related quantities such as forcing
Ruth JooEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherLinkage of Global Carbon Markets
Keven Joyal-DesmaraisPsychologyLecturer in PsychologyBehaviour change, communication-based interventions, human motivation
Sara KaizukaPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)PhD researcherJust transition, regional development
James KaizukaLanguages, Cultures and SocietiesPhD researcherOverseas development assistance, traditional and non-traditional security linkages, climate diplomacy
Teodor KalpakchievEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherSustainability governance, nutrients, policy-making in the EU, external affairs in the EU, sustainability governance, socio-technical transformation; nutrients-climate nexus
Annina KaltenbrunnerEconomicsProfessor of Global Economics climate financing in the Global South; implications of climate crisis for balance of payments and macro-financial dynamics in the Global South
Arundhati KalyanEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherLarge-scale atmospheric and climate dynamics, tropical basin interactions, teleconnections, seasonal to decadal climate variability and prediction
Munasir KamalEnglishPhD researcherEnergy
Gulbanu KaptanBusinessAssociate Professor in Behavioural Decision Making Designing behaviour change interventions to reduce consumer food waste, upcycling food, public acceptance of novel and sustainable food technologies
Casey KavaliauskasChemistry PhD researcherCarbon Capture and Storage
Richard KeaneEarth and Environment Research Fellow and Met Office Senior ScientistIndian Monsoon; Global atmospheric modelling; Convection parameterisation
Joseph KellyCivil EngineeringPhD researcherGeothermal energy
Eric Kemp-BenedictEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of Ecological Economics and Programme Lead, Ecological Economics MScEcological macroeconomics
Declan KennyPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)PhD researcherThe political theory of climate change
Hannah KentBusinessPhD researcherResilience to climate change in critical infrastructure
Jo KershawComputingPhD researcherGeophysics
Effie KesidouBusinessProfessor of Economics of Innovation & SustainabilityEco-innovations/Environmental innovations; Green patents; International Sustainability Standards; CSR performance; Sustainability of City-regions
Amirul KhanCivil EngineeringLecturer of Environmental Fluid MechanicsTurbulent flow and particle dispersion modelling
Arjun KharaDesignDeputy Head of School of DesignDesigning government communications and citizen experiences around climate change issues
Laura KielyEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherThe effects of tropical fire emissions on air quality and climate
Lena KilianGeographyPhD researcherConsumption-based household emissions (UK)
Vasiliki KioupiEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Sustainable CurriculumClimate change education, climate anxiety, education for sustainable development
Megan KlaarGeographyAssociate ProfessorWater resource management and policy, extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts), natural flood management
Robert KniftonFine Art, History of Art & Cultural StudiesUAF in Museums, Galleries & HeritageFashion/Art/Design links to climate change
Ziko KonwarBusinessAssistant Professor of International Business SDG 12 and multinational enterprises, Cross country stakeholder reactions to corporate environmental sustainability
Dicle KortantamerCivil EngineeringLecturer in Project ManagementLeading in conditions of urgency, leading in conditions of radical uncertainty, organising towards a non-rigid deadline
Kjell KühneGeographyPhD researcherKeeping fossil fuels in the ground; Fossil gas finance; fossil fuel revenue
Bill KuninBiologyProfessor of Ecology, Deputy Head of SchoolPlants - pollinator - herbivores interactions, conservation biology, community ecology and biogeographic issues
William LambEarth and EnvironmentVisiting FellowClimate change mitigation; emissions trends and drivers; climate discourses
James LathamEarth and EnvironmentPostgraduate ResearcherEnergy demand reduction
Rob LawlorInter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Lecturer in Applied EthicsEthics of climate change: climate change and engineers; professional responsibilities; lessons from history (slavery and rationing), economics
Iain LawsonFood Science and NutritionPhD researcherNanopesticdes, mycorrhizal fungi and sustainable agriculture
Milan LazeckyEarth and EnvironmentScientific Algorithm Developer and ProgrammerEarth Observation using SAR satellites: InSAR subsidence monitoring (excessive groundwater pumping), PolSAR identification of forest losses
Sam LeeEducationDoctoral Student and Teaching Fellow in Outdoor & Environmental Education Conceptualisations of nature, specifically the Nature-Culture Dualism and the real world effects of this conceptualisation on our collective approaches to education, conservation, ESD etc.
Jinnawat LertpraditGeographyPhD researcherPlace-based education on environmental education
Simon LewisGeographyProfessor of Global Change ScienceGlobal carbon cycle; land-use, forest restoration and negative emissions; science-policy interface; Anthropocene
Kang LiElectronic and Electrical EngineeringProfessorSmart energy systems; energy storage; energy efficiency of manufacturing processes; transportation electrification
Wenting LiCivil EngineeringPhD researcherAdaptive facades buildings and control system
Xiang LiMedia and CommunicationPhD researcherGlobal warming
Katerina LiontouEnglish / BusinessPriestley PhD researcher
Xinran LiuEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherZero carbon
Boyu LiuEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentEnvironmental science
Isobel LloydGeographyPhD ResearcherQuantifying N2O and CO2 fluxes from agricultural soils; identifying sustainable farming practices to minimise climate impacts; advising policy makers
Kate LonsdaleEarth and EnvironmentSenior Researcher/UK Climate Resilience Championclimate adaptation and resilience; organisational change; systems thinking; design for learning
Susanne LorenzEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Climate Change AdaptationClimate change adaptation, visualisation and communication of climate change information
Fleur LoveridgeCivil EngineeringProfessor of Geo-Energy EngineeringClimate change effects on performance and stability of earth structures and geotechnical infrastructure assets
Zhilun LuChemical and Process EngineeringLecturerAdvance materials for energy storage and harvesting
Yutong LuEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherRegional climate change
Xiaoxiao MaEnglishPhD researcherEcocriticism; Environmental Humanities; Ecology; Landscape and literature; Romanticism
Ali MalikLawLecturer in Criminal JusticePolicing and governance
Ajaykumar ManivannanPolitics and International StudiesResearch FellowComputational Climate Politics
Graham MannEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Atmospheric ScienceAerosols, volcanic eruptions, stratospheric influences on climate, radiative forcing
Greg MarsdenInstitute for Transport StudiesProfessor of Transport GovernanceThe governance of decarbonisation of the transport system; Local and national carbon policy for transport; Travel demand; Flexibility and disruption
Alastair MarshCivil EngineeringResearch FellowDeveloping low carbon construction materials, particularly cements and concretes
Zeke MarshallEarth and EnvironmentResearch AssistantApplying Thermodynamic Laws to the Energy-GDP Decoupling Problem
John MarshamEarth and EnvironmentMet Office Joint-Chair (Professor of Atmospheric Science)Atmospheric convection; tropical meteorology; mineral dust uplift and transport; land-atmosphere interaction
Julia Martin-OrtegaEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Ecological Economics
Christian MärzEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor, BiogeochemistryBiogeochemical processes, ocean redox conditions and nutrient cycling during past greenhouse climates
Syafiq Mat NoorEducationLecturer in Science and Climate Change EducationClimate change education, science education, primary science, curriculum development, evidence-based practice, inquiry-based science education, action research, participatory action research
Anuszka Maton-MosurskaEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherCommunity-based approaches to disaster risk reduction (including climate change adaptation); Arctic social sciences; Discourses of climate change
Amanda MaycockEarth and EnvironmentProfessor in Climate DynamicsSurface climate variability, composition-climate interactions, ozone and water vapour effects
Abigail McConnellChemistryPhD researcherAtmospheric chemistry, aerosol science
Megan McConochiePostgraduate Researcher Extreme weather, Resilience
Sean McDanielPolitics and International StudiesLecturer in British PoliticsUK politics of climate change
Elizabeth McGowanPolitics and International StudiesPhD researcherDecolonising climate change adaptation and natural resource management: including indigenous knowledge in international development approaches to combat climate vulnerability.
Amy McGuireEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in Quaternary PalynologyPast climate change; sea-level rise; ecosystem resilience
Elizabeth (Lizzie) McIntyreEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherClimate adaptation
James McKayChemical & Process EngineeringCentre Manager, EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training in Low Carbon Technologies and BioenergyLow Carbon Technologies (renewable energy technologies); visualising ancient environments and climates; visualising future scenarios
Christine McKennaEarth and EnvironmentPostdoctoral Research FellowClimate modelling, large-scale atmospheric dynamics, the stratosphere
Jennifer McLauchlanFood Science and NutritionPost-graduate researcherAlternative proteins
Scott McLaughlinMusicAssociate Professor in Composition and Music TechnologySonification, especially of irregular cyclic patterns
Claire McLoughlin Institute for Climate and Atmospheric ScienceResearch Support Administrator
Jim McQuaidEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of Atmospheric CompositionMeasurements of atmospheric composition and air quality
Katie McQuaidEarth and EnvironmentSenior Research FellowGender, sexuality, urban Africa, participatory arts, community co-production, inclusive cities
Anna MdeePolitics and International StudiesProfessorWater governance, politics of water allocations, sustainable agriculture
Leslie MeierMedia and CommunicationLecturer in Media and CommunicationMedia and Environment; Climate Justice
Rosario Michel-VillarrealEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Sustainability and BusinessResilience, adaptation, supply chains
Lucie MiddlemissEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Environment and SocietyEnvironmental sociology, energy poverty, sustainable consumption, sustainable communities, environmental justice
Benjamin MillsEarth and EnvironmentAssociate ProfessorRole of CO2 in climate over geological timescales; Ocean mixing and anthropogenic carbon inventories
Dave MilneInstitute for Transport StudiesLecturer in Transport GeographyMobility patterns, needs and behaviours
Jan MinxEarth and EnvironmentVisiting Professor of Climate Change and Public PolicyEnergy, climate change and sustainable development with applications to cities and infrastructure, global supply chain networks as well as historic and future transformation processes of societies and their governance; understanding of processes at the science-policy interface
Jyoti MishraLeeds University Business SchoolAssociate Professor Circular Economy, Sustainable Supply Chains, Green IT, Food Waste
Neha MittalEarth and EnvironmentSenior ScientistClimate services
Felicity MongerEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherThe impacts of semi-natural woodland on flooding in the UK
Hazel MooneyEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEcosystem services, trees and woodlands and land-atmosphere interactions
Erika MoranduzzoLawPhD researcherClimate refugees
Malcolm MorganInstitute for Transport StudiesResearch Fellow in Transport and Spatial AnalysisDecarbonising transport; Cycling; Sustainable communities; Place-based decarbonisation
Kate MorrisDesignPhD researcherSustainable fashion, reducing carbon and water usage within the fashion industry
Paul MorrisGeographyAssociate Professor of BiogeoscienceClimatic drivers (past, present and future) for peatland initiation, peatland carbon sequestration and changes in peatland biodiversity
Francesca MorrisEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherMeteorology/geophysical fluid dynamics; the interaction between severe convection and large-scale atmospheric circulation
Aya MoustafaLanguages, Cultures and SocietiesMasters studentTranslation
Dominic MuenzelBiologyPhD researcherCoral reef resistance and resilience to climate change through systematic conservation planning
Amrita MukherjeeLawLecturer and Director LLM international lawInternational environmental law; International law; Global governance through law
Frans MullerChemical and Process EngineeringProfessorSustainability
Phillip MurphyEarth and EnvironmentLecturer (Teaching and Scholarship)Speleothems as climate proxy, growth patterns and isotope records
Irene MussioBusinessLecturer in EconomicsHealth, behaviour, environment, risk and uncertainty
Mamatha NagarajPhysics and AstronomyLecturerFunctional and responsive materials for sensing applications
Muhammad Ali NasirBusinessAssociate ProfessorEcological Economics, Green Finance
Rizwan NawazGeographyResearch FellowClimate change and impacts on water systems
Emily NewcombeBiologyPhD researcherBiodegradable food packaging, valorisation of lignocellulosic wastes
Roaksana Firdaus NigarCivil EngineeringPhD researcherWorked as a research assistant at the Center for Climate Change and Environmental Researcher, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Rachel Hosein NisbetPerformance and Cultural IndustriesVisiting Postdoctoral Research FellowTranshistorical ideas of common good, and natural law, from ecocritical perspectives. First PhD in Biogeochemistry (glacial weathering and climate change feedbacks)
Nicole NisbettPolitics and International Studies Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Climate Politics Society and climate change, social movements, normative change, climate policies
James NormanEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherDecision-making under uncertainty;Climate prediction across timescales;Novel commercial applications of earth imaging and climate information products
Andrew NottinghamGeographyLecturer Ecology and Global Change & NERC IR FellowTerrestrial carbon cycling, tropical forests, soil carbon cycling
Steve O'HernInstitute for Transport StudiesAssociate Professor Travel Behaviour and Analysis
Sarah OakesEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherIndigenous knowledge, food
Harrison OatesChemistryPhD researcherUnderstanding the impact of industrial gas streams on CO2 capture solvent performance; Improving the current CCS solvent technology
Temitayo OdeyemiPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)PhD researcherClimate governance
Anne OwenEarth and EnvironmentSenior Research FellowConsumption-based accounting for emissions
Alice OwenEarth and EnvironmentAssociate ProfessorDomestic energy retrofit; construction industry supply chains; place-based approaches to climate action; climate-resilient business models
Jouni PaavolaEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Environmental Social Science, Director of Research in the School of Earth and Environment, Co-Director of CCCEPEnvironmental social science
Daya PandeyMechanical EngineeringLecturerBioenergy, low carbon energy systems, hydrogen, nutrient recovery, waste to energy
Christina PapadopoulouBusiness Lecturer in Marketing Consumer perceptions, behavioural outcomes and mindset
Douglas ParkerEarth and EnvironmentMet Office Professor of MeteorologyAtmospheric dynamics; Storms; Land-atmosphere interaction; Weather forecasting; Tropics / Africa; Operational weather prediction
Chris PatersonMedia and CommunicationsProfessor of Global CommunicationInformation flow in African countries; journalism and climate information
Karina Patricio Ferreira LimaLawLecturer in Commercial LawClimate finance; Monetary policy and climate change
Kanhu Charan PattnayakEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowClimate impact science
Eric PetersonBiologyVisiting Research FellowFuture proofing built environment; water cooling urban heat islands
Peter PetkovsekPerformance and Cultural IndustriesPhD ResearcherGeomythology, Cultural and Performative Responses to Climate Crisis
Oliver PhillipsGeographyProfessorTropical forest and savanna plant growth, mortality, biodiversity, carbon cycle, global change responses and feedbacks
Joanna PhillipsHistoryResearch and Impact Development OfficerEnvironmental history
Megan PicklesInstitute for Transport Studies Provisional PhD StudentGovernance of energy demand reduction; environmental justice; participatory decision-making; place-based approaches to decarbonisation; policy alignment
Ben PileBiologyPhD researcherImpacts of heatwaves in interaction with invasive species and parasites on the fundamental ecosystem process of detritivory in freshwater ecosystems.
Mike PillingChemistryEmeritus ProfessorAtmospheric chemistry, especially oxidation capacity and tropospheric ozone formation
Andrew PimmChemical and Process EngineeringPostdoctoral researcherEnergy storage; Green steel; Energy system modelling
Luba Pirgova-MorganLanguages, Cultures and SocietiesPostdoctoral researcherEnvironmental behaviour, perceptions of climate change, climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies
Desy Ayu PirmasariGeographyResearch FellowPDRA for Indonesia for GENERATE project Creative and Gender transformative action on climate change in Uganda and Indonesia
Jonathan PitchesPerformance and Cultural Industries Professor of Theatre and PerformanceMountain (Cultural) Studies, specifically in relation to Theatre and Performance; Eco-Criticism; Plays and Performances which address climate change
Francis K. PoitierMedicineTeaching Fellow in International HealthPublic health in small island states, intersection of climate-related health illnesses, climate-resilient health systems
Craig PokuEarth and EnvironmentVisiting ResearcherAerosol-cloud interactions
Oliver PollardEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherGlobal sea level rise; Sea level rise in the North Sea; Melting ice sheets; Glacial isostatic adjustment
Evangelos PournarasComputer ScienceProfessorEnergy, transport, AI
Andi Misbahul PratiwiGeographyPhD Researcher Gender, technology, and climate change
Lea PrevostEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherAerosol physics
Alejandro Romero PrietoEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherClimate change modelling
Kexin QiuEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherAviation emissions, aerosol-cloud interactions
Duncan QuinceyGeographyProfessor of GlaciologyCryospheric change; Hazard development; Water resources
Claire QuinnEarth and EnvironmentProfessor in Natural Resource ManagementEnvironmental change and sustainability, social and agriculture interface
Morven Rae-SeamanBiologyPhD researcherCoral reef adaptation to warming temperatures
Alifa RahmaningrumPhD researcherAgriculture; Food Security; Land Use; Freshwater Use; Planetary Boundaries
Mathilde RainardEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEnergy transition justice
Sam RamsdenGeographyImpact Translation FellowFlooding, place-making, energy poverty, food growing
Mallika RanaChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherSustainable product development, CO2 utilisation
Alex RapEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor in Atmospheric ScienceRadiation modelling, biosphere-atmosphere interactions
Imogen RattleEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in Local Low Carbon Industrial StrategyHow people engage with complex environmental issues both on and offline, and how we can govern the low carbon energy transition to deliver just outcomes
Christopher RaynerChemistryProfessor of Organic ChemistryChemistry, low energy capture methods and utilisation of carbon dioxide; chemistry relevant to carbon capture and storage
Carly ReddingtonEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowAerosol effects on climate; air quality-climate co-benefits
Simon ReesCivil EngineeringProfessor of Building Energy SystemsBuilding energy and renewable systems
Jasper ReesBiologyPhD researcherEnvironmental stress, biodiversity loss, insects, fertility limits
Leighton RegayreEarth and EnvironmentSenior Research FellowEffect of aerosol forcing on large-scale climate phenomena on the decadal timescale
Matthias ReversMedia and CommunicationAssociate Professor of Political CommunicationPolarization and depolarization of climate discussions
Clare Richardson-BarlowLanguages, Cultures and SocietiesLecturerEconomics, Energy & Trade Policy; International political economy in theory and practice; Political economy dimensions of sustainability; Variable renewable energy integration; ASEAN governance; East Asian economic development; cross-border electricity trade
Harland Rivas CooperEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherUrban climate governance
Niamh RobertsonChemistryPhD researcherAtmospheric chemistry, secondary organic aerosols, volatile organic compounds
Suzanne RobinsonEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherClimate change, ocean circulation
Katy RoelichEarth and Environment / Civil EngineeringCo-Director of Sustainability Research InstituteDecision making; public perceptions; participation; uncertainty; energy; infrastructure
Will RollsEarth and EnvironmnetResearch AssistantForest management and carbon; land management; unconventional biomass fuels; biomass use and supply chains
Yvan RoméEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherOcean modelling; Ice sheet modelling; Paleoclimate research
Daniel RomeuMedicineAcademic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry Climate and mental health
Karl RopkinsInstitute for Transport StudiesSenior Research FellowAir Quality and Environmental Impact; Instrument and Software Development Realworld Performance of In-coming Vehicle Technologies; Impact of Air Quality Interventions, Low Emission Zones, Fleet Upgrades
Andrew RossEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor in Dynamical MeteorologyBoundary layer meteorology, mountain meteorology, land-atmosphere interactions, including how these will change in a changing climate
Alistair RucklidgeMathematicsProfessor of Applied MathematicsNonlinear dynamics, including applications to fluid systems
Graham RushEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowSea-level change; Oceanography; Ice-sheet change
Luca SabiniCivil EngineeringAssociate Professor in Project ManagementConflict of interests over sustainability objectives
Lisma SafitriEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEvapotranspiration, water balance, soil moisture, water footprint, water use efficiency
Paola SakaiEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Sustainability Economics and PolicyAdaptation and resilience of the water sector and SMEs to climate change, low-carbon future options for cities
Ali SalehCivil EngineeringPhD researcherLow-carbon concrete
Blaise SalesEnglishPhD researcherEcocriticism in world-literature
Susannah SalluEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of Environment and DevelopmentClimate compatible development; rural livelihood dynamics; climate change adaptation; social-ecological resilience
Jodie SalterPhilosophy, Religion and History of SciencePhD researcherReligious understandings of and responses to climate change; faith-based organisation and religious NGO engagement with UNFCC/COP events/UNEP
Ahmed Sameer YounusCivil EngineeringPhD researcherReducing embodied carbon, life cycle assessment
Olufemi Samson AdesinaEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherClimate-Smart Agriculture and Technology, Extension and Advisory Services in Africa, Environmental Conservation and Policy, Food Security and Rural Development
Rebecca SarkuEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in Climate Change and Food SystemsFood systems, climate services and climate risk and vulnerability
Daniel SaultChemistryPhD researcherCarbon capture and storage
Malcolm SawyerBusinessEmeritus Professor of EconomicsEcological macroeconomics
Jennifer SaxbyEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellow in Tropical MeteorologyForecasting the structure, intensity, and associated hazards of tropical cyclones, which are expected to intensify due to anthropogenic climate change
Giulia ScarpaEarth and EnvironmentPriestley PhD researcher
Sven L M SchroederChemical and Process EngineeringBragg Centenary ChairSustainable manufacturing and transport
Felix SchulzLeeds University Business SchoolResearch FellowValues and climate policy support; policy instruments; the role of work(ers) in a just transition
Juliane SchwendikeEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor in MeteorologyLarge-scale circulation in the tropics, tropical cyclones, convection in the tropics
Cat ScottEarth and EnvironmentUniversity Academic Fellow in Biosphere-Climate InteractionsImpact of forests on climate, aerosol science, atmospheric composition, radiative transfer
Jan SelbyPolitics and International StudiesProfessor of International Politics and Climate ChangeConflict and security; migration; water; methane; politics of mitigation; international politics; political ecology
Heather SelleyEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherUsing earth observation to map elevation and velocity changes of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
Peter SheafBusinessPhD researcherConspicuous consumption i.e. the degree to which people buy things not because they need them but because they want to demonstrate their social status
Yong ShengCivil EngineeringAssociate ProfessorCO2 storage, unconventional coal mining, green energy
Yulan ShengEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowHow climate change affects energy consumption, adaptation to extreme climate, spatial analysis and mapping of climate-related data
Hannah SherwoodChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherImpact of Biomass use/land use change on earth-atmosphere interactions in tea/coffee cultivating regions
Jatinder SidhuLeeds University Business SchoolChair in Strategic Management and OrganisationSustainability; Climate Action
Jeni SidwellBiologyPhD researcherConservation genomics
Anne Jelmar SietsmaGeographyPhD ResearcherClimate change adaptation tracking and trying to integrate machine learning approaches into this. Climate change; adaptation Climate impacts; Adaptation tracking; The science-policy nexus
Ben SilverEarth and EnvironmentPhDresearcherQuantifying the air quality co-benefits of climate change mitigation strategies in the Pearl River Delta, China
Molly SimmonsEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherLandscape Scale Restoration of UK Uplands
Brigita SimonavicienePlant SciencesPhD researcherPlant cell well mechanism controlling symplastic transport during plant response to heat and water withdrawal
Kate SimpsonEnglish, and Earth and EnvironmentPhD researcherExtinction studies, role of literature in the interpretation of mass extinction events, poetry as a paleontologist, reading as an ecological act
Ranjay SinghEarth and EnvironmentLBS Visiting FellowClimate vulnerability, multiple stressors, agricultural adaptation and climate policy implications are local level
Jasjit SinghPhilosophy, Religion and History of ScienceAssociate ProfessorMinority ethnic communities and narratives of climate change; Religion and climate change; Transmission of narratives and issues
Pammi SinhaDesignAssociate ProfessorSustainability; post consumer textile waste; circular economy; net zero
Sajid SirajBusinessAssociate ProfessorThe use of big data analytics and structured decision making techniques for climate-related decisions and policies
Yim Ling SiuEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of Environmental Risk ManagementEnvironmental risk assessment and modelling; risk perceptions, mitigation and adaptation policy evaluations
Benjamin SkinnerPerformance and Cultural IndustriesPhD researcherTouch as a means of communicating our current climate crisis; The (potential) sensory perception of skin
Stefan SkrimshirePhilosophy, Religion and History of ScienceAssociate Professor in Theology and Religious StudiesReligion and Climate Change; Eco-Theology; Environmental Philosophy
Tom SlaterEarth and EnvironmentResearch FellowThe Cryosphere; Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets; Sea level rise; Earth observation
Ross SlaterEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherSatellite observations of Antarctic ice velocity, ice-ocean interactions, sea level rise
Thomas SloanEarth & EnvironmentForest Science and Policy FellowPeatland carbon accumulation and loss; Forestry carbon sequestration
Ben Smeaton-RussellCivil EngineeringPhD researcherGreenhouse gas emissions from sanitation systems
Elle SmithEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherUrban forests
Laura SmithEarth and EnvironmentLecturerExtractive industries, critical minerals, low carbon supply chains
Andrew SmithInstitute for Transport StudiesProfessor of Transport Performance and Economics Infrastructure cost modelling; rail and decarbonisation
Chris SmithVisiting FellowClimate projection and climate modelling; radiative forcing; radiative transfer
Fiona SmithLawProfessor of International Economic LawAgricultural trade; food security; food sovereignty; climate and health; regional trade agreements; EU Common Agricultural Policy
Kellie SmithGeographyPost DoctorateSustainable agriculture
James SouterPolitics and International StudiesLecturer in Political Theory and International PoliticsResponsibilities to displaced persons (including the environmentally displaced)
Viktoria SpaiserPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)Associate Professor in Sustainability Research and Computational Social ScienceSustainable Development Goals; general sustainable development; environmental behaviour
Dominick SpracklenEarth and EnvironmentProfessorNature-based solutions (forests, reforestation, avoided deforestation)
Oliver StanfieldChemistryPhD researcherCarbon Capture and Storage for industrial sites e.g. powerplants with new solvents with better qualities than current technology
Monica StenzelPhilosophy, Religion and History of SciencePhD researcherCircular economy, sustainable textiles
Daniel StoneChemistryAssociate ProfessorAtmospheric chemical mechanisms
Chris StringerGeographyPhD researcherGlacier melt
Jyoti Sudhakar NarsudeGeographyPhD researcherCarbon sequestration in soil, plant species, land use management, agroforestry
Andrew SudmantEarth and EnvironmentResearch Fellowurban climate action; urban typologies; urban analtyics
Trystan Surawy-StepneyEarth and EnvironmentPhD StudentStudying changes to the cryosphere using synthetic aperture radar data in combination with machine learning
Maria Luisa TaccariCivil EngineeringPhD researcherGroundwater flow modelling
Marie-Thérèse TalensbyPhilosophy, Religion and History of SciencePhD researcherExperiences of eco-anxiety and eco-grief in climate change activism
Anne TallontireEarth and EnvironmentProfessor of Sustainability and BusinessVulnerability; adaptation; transformation (especially for agricultural producers); carbon market standards (eg FairTrade Climate Standard)
Harrison TanBiologyPhD researcherInteraction between climate change and human activities, population demography of ice-breeding pinnipeds
Wenguang TangGeographyPhD researcherTree growth, Carbon sink, nitrogen deposition, greenhouse gas emissions
Fareeha TariqLeeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal MedicinePostdoctoral Research AssistantHealth and disease
James TateInstitute for Transport StudiesAssociate ProfessorTransport and the Environment; urban air quality; road transport real driving emissions; Big transport telematics data; Low Emission Zones, Strategies and Vehicles.
Peter TaylorChemical & Process EngineeringProfessor of Sustainable Energy SystemsEnergy and climate change; energy technology policy; energy technology transitions; low-carbon energy technology; energy systems modelling; energy storage; energy use; international energy policy
Andrea TaylorBusiness / Earth and EnvironmentAssociate ProfessorRisk perception, communication, decision making and preparedness for climate change and extreme weather
Edward TaylorEarth and EnvironmentMRes studentSea level reconstruction
Liam TaylorGeographyLecturerGlaciology; hazards; Earth observation; climate science
Karen Tejedor BowenLUBS / MarketingLecturer in MarketingConsumer behaviour, consumer perceptions, public policy, business strategy
Vanessa TernesInstitute for Transport StudiesPhD researcherI research how the transport sector can decarbonise and meet its emission targets while considering questions of fairness and equity
Kulankana TheivendrarajahGeographyPostgraduate ResearcherGHGs
Harriet ThewEarth and EnvironmentLecturer in Climate Change in the School of Earth and EnvironmentUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, climate change education
Daisy ThomasChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherMy PhD focuses on the emissions from hybrid vehicles using biofuel/petrol blends, so I'm focussing on emissions from low-carbon transport methods
Rebecca ThompsonBiological SciencesHead FBS Research FacilitiesInterested in how we can embed sustainability into our research facilities operations
Lisa ThorleyPolitics and International StudiesDeputy Director for Student Education, Lecturer in Gender and International Development PracticeHow climate change impacts women in agrarian communities, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa
Steven TobiasMathematicsProfessor of Applied Mathematics, Head of Applied MathematicsStatistical methods in geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics, sub-grid modelling; effect of solar variability on climate
Valeria TolisEarth and EnvironmentTeaching Fellow in Environmental Policy and GovernanceClimate change mitigation, policy and governance
Betzabé Torres OlaveEducationResearch FellowClimate justice, science education, critical imagination
Paloma Trascasa-CastroEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherEl Niño-Southern Oscillation, large-scale climate dynamics, intra-basin teleconnections, surface climate impacts
Emma TrottEnglishTeaching Fellow in Contemporary LiteratureCritical plant studies; animal studies; environmental humanities; ecopoetry; environmental ethics
Josh TurnerCivil EngineeringPhD researcherUsing System Data to Reduce GHG Emissions from Heat Pumps in Operation (Heat pumps are a low carbon method of space/water heating and cooling)
Adam TysonPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)Associate Professor of Southeast Asian PoliticsSustainability and forestry in Southeast Asia; palm oil production; rural development
Rodanthi TzanelliSociology and Social PolicyAssociate Professor of Cultural SociologyPopular imaginaries of climate change in film and the arts; utopian planning and transdisciplinarity in tourism and travel theory; representations of disaster; public cultures of climate change
Kerrie UnsworthBusinessChair of Organisational Behaviour Employee pro-environmental behaviour change, SME green transformation
Christine UnterhitzenbergerCivil EngineeringAssociate Professor in Project ManagementSustainable project management
Alexander ValavanisElectronic and Electrical EngineeringAssociate ProfessorTerahertz instrumentation for gas spectroscopy; THz satellite instrumentation
James Van AlstineEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of Environmental PolicyClimate change policy; Climate justice; Climate compatible development; Energy policy
Sven Van LooPhysics and AstronomyLecturer of Astrophysics Ammonia-aerosol combustion
Padmaja VasudevChemical and Process EngineeringResearch FellowSustainability adopting synthesis with less carbon and organic wastes; interested in the correlation between climate change, net zero and sustainability
Anne VelenturfCivil Engineering / Earth and EnvironmentSenior Research Fellow in Circular EconomyCircular Economy, Resource Recovery from Waste; Oil & Gas Decommissioning; Sustainable Offshore Wind
Costas VelisCivil EngineeringLecturer in Resource Efficiency SystemsWaste and resources management, recycling, circular economy, open burning of solid waste, biogenic fuels, waste-derived fuels
Ashley VictoriaPhysics and Chemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherProcess optimisation, sustainable composites, biopolymers, reducing resources and circularity
Alexandra-Elena VitelEarth and EnvironmentPhD StudentEnergy; Transport; Behavior Change; Consumer Segmentation; Demand Management
Jefim VogelEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherThe role of social and physical provisioning systems for climate mitigation in the context of human well-being and international equity
Jochen VossMathematicsLecturerStatistical modelling, uncertainty quantification
Lorna WaddingtonHistoryLecturerClimate wars/climate changes; genocide/ethnic cleansing/violence
Sania WadudBusinessSenior Research FellowClimate econometrics, climate change and energy transition
Zia WadudInstitute for Transport StudiesAssociate ProfessorPersonal carbon trading; residential and transport energy use choices; carbon decomposition analysis
Shariq WaheedSociology & Social PolicyPostgraduate ResearcherEnvironmental Sociology, Climate Futures, Environmental Behavior, Youth & Environment
Laura WainmanEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherVolcano-climate interactions, environmental hazards
Christopher WalkerCivil EngineeringPhD ResearcherGeotechnical Engineering; Transport Infrastructure; Highways; Railway; Compacted Soils; Unsaturated Soil Mechanics; Earthworks; Embankments; Cuttings
Richard WalkerInstitute of Transport StudiesVisiting Research FellowTransport Decarbonisation relating to transport demand; spatial development; transport planning and 'place-based' transport decarbonisation
James WallaceCivil EngineeringPhD researcherClimate resilience of vulnerable communities
Hong WangGeographyPhD researcherClimate change impacts on streamflow seasonality and freshwater biodiversity
Tsomo WangchukEarth and EnvironmentStudentClimate change and cities; Urban Planning; Community Participation, Indigenous peoples and climate change adaptation
Keeran WardChemical and Process EngineeringLecturer in Chemical EngineeringSustainable Supply Chain Management
Fumiko WatanabeEarth and EnvironmentGuest Researcher Paleoclimate
C. Scott WatsonUKRI Future Leaders FellowSchool of GeographyWater resources, flood hazard, glacier loss, glacial lake development
Nicholas WatsonProfessor of Artificial Intelligence in Food
Charlotte WeaverChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherImpacts of land use change from bioenergy expansion on global biogeochemical and biophysical effects on climate
Xingjie WeiBusinessAssistant Professor in Business Analytics & Machine Learningdata analytics, machine learning
Miaomiao WeiCivil EngineeringPhD researcherTyphoon Prediction, Mutiple Hazard, Machine Learning, Bridge Wind Engineering
Georgina WerkmeisterGeographyPhD researcherHow extreme temperatures might affect reproduction in tropical forest trees in Brazil
Phillip WheatInstitute for Transport Studies Professor of Transport EconometricsDecision making infrastructure; cost/carbon optimisation; benchmarking
Solomon WhiteEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherOceanography, Satellite remote sensing, Ocean properties
Stephen WhitfieldEarth and EnvironmentAssociate Professor of Climate Change and Food SecurityClimate change adaptation and mitigation in agri-food systems
David WilliamsEarth and EnvironmentLecturerAgriculturally driven land-use change; the climate impacts of diets and dietary choices
Sally WilsonEarth and EnvironmentPhD researcherContemporary glaciology
Chris WilsonEarth and EnvironmentResearch scientistInverse atmospheric modelling of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon budget, methane budget, fires
Sofie WimblePolitics and International RelationsMasters studentClimate change conflict
Dewa Ayu Putu Eva WishantiPolitics and International Studies PhD researcherWater and sanitation, climate finance, political ecology
Cordula WittekindGeographyPhD researcherModeling future environmental flows against the background of climate change with particular focus on adaptation of abstraction licensing systems
Chee Yew WongLeeds University Business SchoolProfessor of Supply Chain ManagementSustainable supply chain management; Environmental transparency; Environmental management system (EMS); Environmental management practices.
Alexandra WoodfordLeeds University Business School PhD researcherClimate finance justice
Kerri WoodsPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)Associate Professor of Political TheoryEnvironmental human rights; climate justice; environmental ethics
Matthew WoolgarHistoryLecturer in Twentieth Century International HistoryHistories of environmental activism and policy in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia
Alex WorsfoldHistoryPhD researcherEnvironmental and hydrological history of the Middle East
Katy WrightSociology and Social PolicyLecturer in Sociology and Social PolicyResilience; social dimensions of climate change
Yunke WuLeeds University Business SchoolLecturerCorporate social responsibility and ESG reporting; greenwashing acquisitions
Yuhan WuLanguages, Cultures and SocietiesPhd CandidateClimate change in contemporary Irish novels
Bin XuLeeds University Business SchoolAssociate Professor in FinanceSustainable finance, green finance, corporate environmental performance, environmental violations
Weiyi YaoChemical and Process EngineeringPhD researcherFrom food waste in Higher Education and Primary/Secondary Schools to Truck fuels – A sociotechnical and technoeonomical appraoch
Jun YeCivil EngineeringLecturer in Structural EngineeringSustainable construction; extreme loading
Danielle YoungPolitics and International Studies (POLIS)UKRI Postdoctoral Fellow (Horizon Guarantee)Solar geoengineering and climate governance
Sherif YoussefEarth and EnvironmentLecturerPolitical economy, energy policy
Jinpeng YueEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentMeteorology
Tong ZhangElectronic and Electrical EngineeringLecturerEnergy system and power system development towards net zero
Yishi (David) ZhangPhD student Projects delivering Sustainability transitions
Cheng ZhaoEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentEffects of air pollution on climate
Tianning ZhaoEarth and EnvironmentMasters studentEcological macroeconomics
Sibongile ZimbaBiologyPhD researcherPlant science, climate change adaptation and resilience; developing of climate resilient crops for sustainable food production systems
Pazit ZivGeographyResearch Support ManagerWater, atmospheric research, meteorology, humidity, hydrology
Guy ZivGeographyChair in Socio-Environmental SystemsEcosystem services, agri-environmental schemes, carbon farming
Muhammad Zulfadhli KamarudinEducation Postgraduate Researcherclimate change education