Debbie Rosen
Job title:
Research and Innovation Manager, Priestley Centre for Climate Futures
Area of work:
How the physical climate system is changing year-to-year, as shown by the Indicators of Global Climate Change initiative. This is providing policymakers and the civil society organisations who hold them to account with the latest scientific information on how the climate is changing, filling an important gap in between the publication of IPCC reports.
What are the big issues that COP29 needs to address? What are your hopes for the negotiations?
Climate finance will be a major issue. Alongside this, countries will start bringing new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the table. These are the climate action plans that set out how they will both mitigate for and adapt to climate change in the coming years, due in 2025. Some countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan and Brazil, should have them ready for COP29. The hope is that these countries demonstrate climate leadership by setting out NDCs that are compatible with the Paris Agreement.
What's your message for world leaders at COP29?
Listen to the science!
Do you have any tips about climate action that you can share?
Find out what your MP has been doing on climate change (e.g. through and if appropriate write to them or go and see them. Finding a relevant local issue to talk about can be a good way of getting to discuss the bigger picture too.