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Placing climate change in the context of integrated risk


The Priestley Centre welcomes Tami Bond from the University of Illinois who has just commenced a six-month Leverhulme Visiting Professorship. Tami Bond is the Nathan M. Newmark Distinguished Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering. She is a world leader in the study of particle emissions, their color and how they affect the climate, as well...

Clarity on emissions type needed to prevent 'Faustian bargains'


The need for clarity in the composition of greenhouse gas targets set by countries has been underlined in a guest post for Carbon Brief by Professor Myles Allen of the University of Oxford and Priestley Centre director Piers Forster. The post, which discusses a new study in Nature Climate Change by the authors and colleagues...

Local biomass burning the cause of precipitation decline in southern Africa


Biomass burning from cook stoves and agricultural practices is having a profound effect on rainfall reduction in southern Africa. Results fromĀ global and regional modelling demonstrate a 20% to 30% decrease in precipitation during the dry season, with local black carbon and organic carbon aerosol emissions being the main cause. Levels of black carbon can increase...