Second Climate Plan Annual Progress Review published

The second annual progress review of the University of Leeds Climate Plan has been published by the Priestley Centre for Climate Futures.
A group of experts, including an external advisor, undertook the progress review, informed by a public consultation.
The Climate Plan Annual Progress Review is now available on the Priestley Centre website.
Members of the Climate Plan Research Partnership Committee drew upon their broad range of expertise, including finance and investment, technology and innovation, behaviour change and just transitions, adaptation and resilience, and institutional decision-making.
The review was requested by Climate Principles Programme Board, which has overall accountability for delivery of the Climate Plan. The review will ensure that Climate Plan delivery stays true to its original aims, remains ambitious and takes advantage of the developments in social and technical solutions.
Bikes leaning against railings in front of the School of Earth and Environment
Pioneering process
The Climate Plan Annual Progress Report, published by the Climate Principles Programme in March 2024, outlined progress made in the second year of delivery.
The review process began with a public consultation coordinated by the Priestley Centre. A total of 27 responses were submitted, spanning several faculties and services of the University.
In April 2024 the Research Partnership Committee reviewed these responses, along with the Climate Plan Annual Progress Report itself, and interviewed key stakeholders involved in the delivery of the Climate Plan.
It is clear that we are leaders across the national and international higher education sector but we still have a lot to learn and do.
Professor Piers Forster, Director of the Priestley Centre for Climate Futures, who chairs the Research Partnership Committee, said:
“All the Climate Principles have excellent, dedicated staff who are working hard and collaborating constructively across the programme. Considerable progress has been made on the Climate Plan since last year and it is good to see projects move from planning into delivery stages.
“It is clear that we are leaders across the national and international higher education sector but we still have a lot to learn and do.
“We thank the team involved in preparing the Progress Report and those who took part in the interviews for their effort and time spent producing the report, and for their accessibility and openness to questions. We would also like to thank those members of the University community who took the time to respond to our consultation.”
Researchers mapping out tree planting at Gair Wood. Image credit: Dr Pazit Ziv, University of Leeds
Comprehensive review
Spanning all areas of the Climate Plan, the review considers the University’s progress towards its commitments on a resilient net zero transition, sustainable travel, responsible investment, a sustainable curriculum, reorienting research and teaching and supporting a net zero city. It also considers key cross-cutting themes, such as communication and engagement, institutional decision-making and ensuring a just transition.
The review report highlights key successes as well as identifying areas for improvement, setting out specific recommendations for each of the six Climate Principles, and cross-cutting priorities. These have been considered, and accepted, by the Climate Principles Programme Board.
Opportunities highlighted in the review include developing a more effective and proactive communication and engagement strategy, mainstreaming climate considerations into University decision-making at all levels, and strengthening collaboration with city and regional partners to deliver impactful projects.
As well as acknowledging the ambition of the Climate Plan, the review praises the commitment of staff working across the Climate Principles.