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Priestley PhD supported by Leeds alumnus

Centre news

International company Lansinoh Laboratories Inc., led by a University of Leeds alumnus, is supporting the latest Priestley PhD scholarship.

The doctoral research project, supervised by Dr Jim McQuaid, Professor Dan Marsh, and Dr Kirsty Pringle, will examine the co-benefits of a low-carbon economy: improved air quality and reduced global warming.

Air pollution kills around seven million people worldwide every year, and around 90% of the world’s population breathe air which is contaminated with high levels of pollution. Much of this air pollution is a result of burning fossil fuels, which is also a direct cause of climate change.

Priestley PhD researcher Connor Clayton will use next-generation chemistry and climate models to explore how the drive towards a low carbon economy will not only address the issues of climate change, but also improve air quality and deliver a significant benefit for human health.

Founded in 1984, Lansinoh develops and manufactures products that support breastfeeding mothers and babies. Serving families in more than 60 countries, they also offer evidence-based education and advice.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to partner with the prestigious University of Leeds

Kevin Vyse-Peacock, CEO Lansinoh Laboratories Inc

This three-year partnership with the University of Leeds forms part of Lansinoh’s sustainability programme, which is designed to ensure a safe and healthy environment for current and future generations. Their corporate emissions reduction targets are in line with achieving net-zero by 2030.

Kevin Vyse-Peacock, CEO Lansinoh Laboratories Inc. and University of Leeds alumnus, said: “Since our founding by a breastfeeding mother more than 35 years ago, Lansinoh has been committed to the health and wellbeing of mothers and babies around the world.”

He went on to add: “We must ensure that all we do promotes a healthy future for the families who place their trust in us. Their futures depend on what is done today, and we are committed to doing our part.”

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to partner with the prestigious University of Leeds to deepen our engagement.”

Connor Clayton, recipient of the scholarship, said “I’m looking forward to getting started with this important research, exploring how to more clearly demonstrate that establishing a low carbon economy can not only reduce global warming, but also to improve our health.”

“This is an exciting opportunity to make a significant contribution to the field that will help bridge the gap between the scientific world, the public and policymakers.”

 Find out more about other Priestley PhD researchers