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Lea Berrang Ford

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Climate change solutions in focus at Brussels event


Priestley Centre Chair in Climate and Health, Professor Lea Berrang Ford, was a speaker at an event at the European Parliament in Brussels focusing on key climate change policy areas and research into solutions. Prof Berrang Ford, speaking on behalf of the University of Leeds, was joined by Prof Lisa Emberson, Director of the Stockholm...

"Enormous scale" of climate challenge and healthcare


Professor Lea Berrang Ford, Priestley Chair in Climate and Health, has called for "an entire transformation of the healthcare system" to cope with the combined impacts of climate change, an ageing population and social care needs. Speaking on Paul Hudson's Weather Show on BBC Radio Leeds, Prof Berrang Ford pointed out the threats from climate...

Africa climate risk expert is new Piers Sellers prizewinner


Professor Mark New, Director of the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) at the University of Cape Town, has been named as the 2018 recipient of the Piers Sellers Prize for a world leading contribution to solution focused climate research. The award is one of two bestowed annually in the former astronaut and climate scientist’s...

Priestley Chairs are lead authors on UN Adaptation Gap Report


Priestley Chairs Lea Berrang Ford and James Ford are lead authors on the Adaptation Gap Report: Towards a Global Assessment, published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The report is launched today (7 November 2017) at an event at the UNFCCC climate conference COP23 in Bonn, Germany, with Lea Berrang Ford joining a distinguished panel...

Climate centre boosted by new professorial appointments


Three new high-level appointments are set to consolidate the reputation for world-leading climate research at the University of Leeds and open new routes to policymakers. The Priestley International Centre for Climate welcomes Dr Jason Lowe, Head of Climate Services at the Met Office Hadley Centre, as the first Priestley Chair. Dr Lowe, who is also...