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Scaling up climate-smart solutions for food security and climate change


Urgent action is needed to improve the livelihoods of half a billion farmers within a decade, empowering them with climate-smart techniques to transform global food systems. That was the unanimous response of researchers and international stakeholders who met at a summit at the University of Leeds to discuss the increasing pressure from climate change and...

Crop breeding is not keeping pace with climate change


Crop yields will fall within the next decade due to climate change unless immediate action is taken to speed up the introduction of new and improved varieties, experts have warned. The research, led by the University of Leeds and published today in the journal Nature Climate Change, focusses on maize in Africa but the underlying...

Urgent need to transform key food producing regions in Africa by 2025


Joint University of Leeds, CIAT, CGIAR and CCAFS press release: Agriculture in parts of sub-Saharan Africa must undergo significant transformation if it is to continue to produce key food crops, according to a new study published today in Nature Climate Change. The study shows that maize, beans and bananas are most at risk from climate...