Priestley Centre April 2018 ebulletin

The April 2018 issue of the Priestley Centre's e-bulletin can be found here.
This month's packed edition includes:
- Leeds Creative Labs: the Climate Edition
- Inaugural seminar by Priestley Chair of Climate Change Adaptation, Prof James Ford (2 May): "What the Arctic tells us about the human dimensions of climate change"
- NASA's Gavin Schmidt to present Piers Sellers PhD award and debate climate emergency (18 June)
- Women and climate change focus for Fellowship: Claire Cooper
- Leeds hosts UK premiere of Coral Empathy Device (plus Priestley private view 5 June)
- Priestley scientists prominent on next global climate assessment
- Priestley Society news and forthcoming events
- Festival of Interdisciplinary Research (3 May)
- Climate Exchange Seminar (17 May, Kate Scott and Chris Smith: "How are we using simple climate models to inform climate mitigation policies?"
- News in Brief (IPBES author nominations; Green Talents 2018 award applications open)
- Climate research opportunities