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Piers Sellers Prize 2019

Monday 24 June 2019, 14.00-15.15
Clothworkers Central Building, Speakman Lecture Theatre

Join us on Monday 24 June 2019 for our annual Piers Sellers Prize-giving event, at which we present prizes in the name of climate scientist, astronaut, and Leeds alumnus Piers Sellers.

This year's two winners are Petra Tschakert, for her world leading contribution to solution focused climate research, and Tom Slater, a final year PhD student working in the NERC-funded Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling in the School of Earth and Environment, for exceptional research to address climate change. The prize-giving will include a short address from Tom, as well as lecture from Petra.

Petra's lecture is titled Climate Justice and the Anthropocene: Why We Need Social Scientists.

Please register here

The prize-giving event and the formal opening of the Priestley Building by the University of Leeds Chancellor Professor Jane Francis and Vice Chancellor Sir Alan Langlands, details here, kicks off a week-long programme of climate-themed lunchtime events - details to be announced.

Former winners of the Piers Sellers Prize are Dr Joeri Rogelj (2016), Professor Felix Creutzig (2017) and Professor Mark New (2018).  The PhD prize has been awarded to Kate Scott (2016), Ross Gillard (2017) and Kate Palmer and Jesus Vergara Temprado (2018).

Piers Sellers Prize 2018 winner Professor Mark New (right) of the University of Cape Town with Priestley Centre director Professor Piers Forster

Please register here