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Climate Change, Science and Architecture

Wednesday 20 February 2019, 15:30 - 17:30
Civil Engineering room 3.25 (LT B)
Professor Bernard Lenz, Hochschule Karlsruhe University


Changes in climate mean that cities need to adopt to future prevailing climate conditions if significant increase in building cooling loads are to be avoided in the future. A preservation of the inner-city micro¬climate can also be seen as a base for high amenity values in future cities.  This talk will give an introduction in thermal comfort and will discuss an innovative and sustainable adaption strategy to future climate conditions.


Bernard Lenz is a professor at University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe where he is Head of Field in Energy Optimisation and Building Science. He is currently on a six-month sabbatical at the Priestley Centre, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, working with the Priestley Centre’s researchers on “Possible adaptation process of urban areas: reducing the impacts of climate change on the energy demand of human settlements”.  Bernhard's research focusses on the need to adapt the built environment to stabilize the urban micro-climate system and to minimize the impacts of climate change on future living conditions without increasing the energy consumption of buildings.

Tea/coffee and biscuits will be available on arrival.