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Beyond 'Nature'

Friday 12 July 2019, 11:00 - 12:30
SEE 8.119b (Meeting Room 1)

After 5 years with Nature Research, Lewis Collins recently left to build something new: One Earth, a journal with a purpose. In this talk, Lewis will speak of the inspiration behind and aspirations for One Earth and its initiatives, provide some insight into the inner workings at Nature Research, and shine a light on the black box of editorial (with some helpful hints and tips).

Lewis Collins, a palaeoclimatologist by training, is the founding Editor-in-Chief of One Earth, a new high impact journal from the publisher Cell Press that seeks to unite the natural, social and applied research communities in our joint efforts to drive environmental change and sustainability science forward. Prior to joining Cell Press, Lewis spent over 5 years with Nature Research, where he led the Nature Communications Earth editorial team and handled and curated original research, reviews, and opinion pieces from across the full spectrum of Earth and environmental science.