A seminar jointly hosted by the Priestley International Centre for Climate and the Sustainability Research Institute Abstract Despite pronouncements on the importance of interdisciplinary approaches for understanding various dimensions of climate change, research continues to be strongly disciplinary based. Vulnerability assessments, for instance, seek to identify who is vulnerable to climate change, to what stresses,...
In the UK there are strong policy imperatives to transition toward low carbon energy systems but how and in what ways such transitional processes might be realised remains highly uncertain. In this paper, public acceptability is identified as an indeterminate form of uncertainty that presents particular challenges and risks for energy policy making, which until...
Leeds University Business School in partnership with the Cities Theme and the Centre for Decision Research would like to invite you to an Ideas in Practice event. The seminar will address topics related to policy, economics and public communications surrounding extreme weather such as heatwaves and flooding. It will be an opportunity to hear from...
The Priestley International Centre for Climate will have its launch on Tuesday 14 June at the University of Leeds. The event is open to university staff, PhD students and invited stakeholders. It will include: Introduction by Vice Chancellor, Sir Alan Langlands. Presentation of the inaugural Piers Sellers Prizes for solution-facing climate research. Climate research highlights...
The Priestley Centre's interdisciplinary seminar series, Climate Exchange, is launching this month! Details of the inaugural seminar can be found below: Date: 25 May 2016 Time: 12 - 1pm Location: Seminar Room 8.119 (a), School of Earth and Environment Speaker: Professor Piers Forster Title: How realistic is the 1.5°C target outlined in the Paris agreement? Abstract: Piers...