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Prioritising human needs in the era of climate change

Monday 6 February 2017, 11.30-15.45 (expert workshops); 16.00-18.00 (public event)
School of Earth and Environment, seminar rooms 8.119
Dr Julia Steinberger

"Prioritising human needs in the era of climate change" is jointly hosted by iBUILD (Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery), the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy and the Priestley International Centre for Climate. Workshops and public events take place at the School of Earth and Environment seminar rooms 8.119

Open Public Event (16.00-18.00)

 "Prioritising human needs in the era of climate change" brings together three eminent scholars advocating a radically new view of sustainability research and action. The challenge of reducing human impacts on the environment has too often been framed through a purely economic lens, weighing only the monetary costs and benefits of new policies and technologies. Instead, this event advocates focusing on human well-being. Professor Gough of LSE, author of " A Theory of Human Need", will consider sustainable consumption from the perspective of climate change and human needs. Professor O'Neill, Hallsworth Chair In Political Economy at the University of Manchester, will discuss how best to challenge the growth imperative. Dr Buchs of the University of Leeds will present her new book on postgrowth and well-being. Following a discussion, the event will end with drinks and refreshments in the foyer.

“Postgrowth and Wellbeing (Palgrave Pivot book project with Max Koch)” by Dr Milena Buchs, Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds

“How not to argue against growth: happiness, needs and climate change”, Professor John O’Neill. Hallsworth Chair In Political Economy, University of Manchester

“Needs, necessities and sustainable consumption”, Professor Ian Gough, London School of Economics

Registration via Eventbrite essential: Register at

Expert workshops (11.30-15.45)

Places are limited to 15 attendees per workshop. To request a place at one or more workshops,  please email the designated contact, details below, cc’ing Lucy Sharpson ( In your email, please confirm whether you wish to join the vegan / vegetarian networking lunch and whether you have additional dietary requirements.

11:30-12:30: Needs and the welfare state: Satisfying human needs through sustainable welfare - the role of the state

Workshop leader: Professor Max Koch, School of Social Work, Lund University

Designated contact: Dr Milena Buchs,

13.15-14.15: Empirical evidence for the resource requirements of human needs: Asking the right questions, addressing the right communities

Workshop leaders: Lina Brand Correa & Dr Julia Steinberger of SRI, Dr William Lamb, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

Designated contact: Dr Julia Steinberger,

14.45-15.45: The contribution of heterodox economics and Marx’s political economy: Theories and methods for bridging the gap between needs and planetary boundaries

Workshop leaders: Elke Pirgmaier (SRI & LUBS) and Professor Andrew Brown (LUBS), University of Leeds

Designated contact: Elke Pirgmaier,

Directions to the venue

School of Earth and Environment Seminar Rooms (8.119). At the Earth and Environment Reception take the door on the right-hand side, the Seminar Rooms are immediately on the left. Campus Map