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Building bridges to accelerate food systems transformation under climate change

Tuesday 4 July 2023, 11:30 - 12:30
School of Earth and Environment seminar room 8.119

To accelerate a transformation in food systems in response to climate change, there is an urgent need to bridge the gap between science and policy, and the food and climate communities. Clim-Eat was established as a 'think and do tank' for food and climate to address these gaps and serve as an effective bridge.

In this seminar, hosted by the Priestley Centre and the Global Food and Environment Institute, Clim-Eat's Founder, Dr Dhanush Dinesh will share his experience and lessons on setting up such an organization, and the key opportunities which Clim-Eat has identified focused on research, innovation and knowledge exchange to serve as the basis for partnership discussions with the University of Leeds. 

This seminar will be followed by a networking lunch.

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Dhanush is the Founder of Clim-Eat, the ‘think and do tank’ for food and climate which he established in 2021 at COP26. Clim-Eat focuses on bridging science and policy on food and climate issues by synthesizing knowledge, convening stakeholders, providing strategic advice, and strategic policy engagement. Prior to founding Clim-Eat, Dhanush worked as Head of Partnerships and outreach of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) to scale up Climate-Smart Agriculture based at the Universities of Leeds, Wageningen, Copenhagen and Oxford. His previous work experience includes roles within the private sector, NGOs, and the UN system, in China, India, Thailand, and the UK. He has worked on a range of issues including forestry, environmental policy, climate change adaptation, and advocacy, at the national, regional, and global levels. 

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