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Handmade volcanoes and tornadoes prove “Terrific” talking points


A tornado in a bottle and volcanoes erupting bicarbonate of soda “lava” proved popular at The Great Yorkshire Show, where they gave Leeds researchers Lindsay Bennett and Cat Scott an opportunity to talk about science. The researchers, who were demonstrating the handmade props with nothing more technical than pop bottles and lemons for the BBC’s Terrific Scientific  investigations,...

Earth Day events get airing


The Priestley Centre’s Ask a Climate Scientist event for Climate Education Week have been covered by the Huffington Post and BBC Radio Leeds. Dr Julia Steinberger and Dr Anna Hogg were both interviewed by Paul Hudson for The Weather Show, broadcast across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Dr Steinberger spoke about the wider climate policy context while Dr...

Antarctic ice thinning study aired


A study of thinning ice in Antarctica by University of Leeds researcher Dr Hannes Konrad has been featured on Paul Hudson’s Weather Show on BBC Radio Leeds and other BBC local radio stations. The study, which uses satellite observations of the ice going back to the early 1990s, shows how the ice sheet has changed and...